XXVI Bled Workshop "What comes beyond the Standard models?"

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XXVI Bled Workshop "What comes beyond the Standard models?"

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Sat 8 Jul 2023 02:53

Dear friends,

We hope this email finds you in good health and an optimistic spirit.

We hope very much that this year we shall meet in Plemelj's
house at Bled. We made the reservation. But we can still meet
virtually with those who will not be able to arrive at Bled.

We ask you kindly to let us know whether you will participate
personally or virtually at this year Bled workshop, which will take
place from 10.07.2022–19.07.2022.

Below you find more instructions.

With our best regards Norma, Holger, Maxim

The first announcement of the twenty-sixth workshop "What Comes
Beyond the Standard Models?", Bled 2023, 10. -- 19. of July 2023.

Organizing Committee:
Norma Susana Mankoc Borstnik, Holger Bech Nielsen, Maxim Yu. Khlopov,
Astri Kleppe

Scientific Committee:
John Ellis (CERN and King's College London),
Roman Jackiw (MIT),
Masao Ninomiya (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University)

Dear colleague,

This letter is the first announcement of the twenty-sixth workshop
entitled "What Comes Beyond the Standard Models?" which will after two
''virtual '' years and one partly virtual and partly real year take place at
Bled, Slovenia, from 10th of July 2023 (Monday, arrival day, afternoon)
to 19th of July 2023 (Wednesday, departure day, morning), real and
``virtual'' (ZOOM) workshop.
We hope that we shall meet at Bled with most of participants
in vivo.

The ''virtual'' part will be hosted by Cosmovia, http://viavca.in2p3.fr/site.html,
courtesy of Prof. Maxim Yu. Khlopov.

Please let us know if you are interested and can participate during
that period. We will then send you further information.

For the ''virtual'' part of the workshop we will need besides the title also
the abstracts of your talks and you will have to send your talk (as a pdf or
PowerPoint file) to Maxim and Norma probably at least a day in advance.

To make a schedule we will therefore need a title of your talk (and
preferably also an abstract). We will try to make a preliminary
schedule a few days before the workshop starts and update and
modify it daily as necessary for talk continuations and discussions.

We will also put your presentations on the workshop homepage (see
http://bsm.fmf.uni-lj.si/bled2022bsm/). As every year, we plan to
publish printed Proceedings with the write-ups of your talks in
December 2023. You will receive detailed instructions on this at the
end of the real and virtual workshop and also later.
We also expect informational support from MDPI journals Symmetry,
Universe, Particles ad Physics and selected invited contributions will
be published for free, if accepted, in the corresponding special issues.

After appearing on arxiv, we shall need for that the arxiv number of
your talk, the whole proceedings will appear in Scopus.

We are in the procedure to arrange the DOI for our proceedings
2023. We hope that we will succeed.

This call will also be soon available at the following URL:


This page contains links to maps of Bled etc. and will be updated
with later calls (in June).

The following links might be of interest:

- the links to workshop pages for previous years can be found at


- home page of the previous talks and proceedings 2022 workshop
can be found at http://bsm.fmf.uni-lj.si/bled2021bsm

and contains workshop announcements and presentations of most
talks, as well as the pdf of the printed workshop Proceedings
for 2022.

For previous years workshops pages can be found on analogous URLs,
by just substituting 2022 with the desired year in the above address
for the workshop home page.

- home page of Cosmovia, http://viavca.in2p3.fr/site.html, which
hosts video conferences at our (and many other) conferences for
the last several years, courtesy of Prof. Maxim Yu. Khlopov (on
the cosmovia home page go to the link for Previous - Conferences).

Below is a detailed information on the aims and topics of this year's


Our workshop is organized for the purpose of answering the open
questions in the elementary particle physics and cosmology, like
(every participant can suggest a new topic):

o Can Dirac's second quantization postulates for fermion and
boson fields be explained
* with a finite number of Clifford odd and even "basis vectors"
describing the internal space of fermions and bosons and with
the continuous infinite basis in ordinary momentum or coordinate
o Can the need for the Fadeev-Popov ghosts in Feynman's
diagrams be explained by the Clifford odd and even "basis
vectors in odd-dimensional spaces?

o Are the Kaluza-Klein-like theories, with gravity as the only interaction
among fermions in higher dimensional spaces, the right next step to
* all the observed properties of quarks and leptons and antiquarks and
antileptons, and
* of their vector and scalar gauge vector fields?

o What is the most promising step beyond the standard model,
explaining the assumptions of the standard model like:
* the origin of massless family members with their related spins and
* the origin of families of fermions,
* the origin of massless vector gauge fields,
* the origin of the Higgs' scalar and Yukawa couplings for massive
quarks and leptons,
* the origin of differences in masses of family members?

o What is the most promising step beyond the standard model
* the origin of dark matter and its properties
(when comparing cosmological observation, direct detections and
all the proposed models),
* the masses and charges of the dark matter,
* the origin of the dark energy,
* the origin of ordinary matter-antimatter asymmetry.

o How to interpret the so far made searches for new physics?
* How many families shall we be able to observe at the LHC and
at which energies?
* How many scalar fields shall the LHC observe?
* What are masses of new families?
* What are properties of new scalar fields?

o What can different models and experiments
say about the lepton number non conservation?

o What is the origin of the energy scales:
* the colour phase transition scale,
* the electroweak phase transition scale,
* the scale at $10^{19}$ GeV or higher?

o What can strings and membranes contribute to our
understanding of elementary particle physics and
* what understanding of the low energy fermions
and the vector and scalar gauge fields they offer?

o What can the complex action bring into the understanding of
the properties of our universe?

o Why has Nature made a choice of four (noticeable) dimensions
while all the others (if existing) are hidden?
* How does the ''compactification'' of extra dimensions (if existing)
* What are properties of space-time in the hidden dimensions?

o How can one understand the discrete symmetries in
Kaluza-Klein like theories?

o How can all gauge fields, including gravity and scalar fields, be
unified and quantized?

o What is the origin of the field which caused inflation?

o What can new measurements of gravitational waves contribute to
understanding cosmology (and elementary fields)?

o How can the second quantization of the black hole be related to
classical singularity?

o How do black holes influence the history of the universe?

o Many other open problems.


The aim of the workshop is to bring together physicists from the field of
the elementary particles and cosmology, who are trying to find the
answers to the above and other open questions and who would enjoy
to actively discuss these questions in a small group.

In the last twenty five years the workshops entitled ''What comes
beyond the standard models?" took place annually in July since 1998
except 2018, which was in June, and each year we spent about ten days,
trying to answer the above (and other) questions in a very pleasant and
relaxing atmosphere. We have published twenty five volumes of
Proceedings to these workshops (one in 1999, and then one volume every
year since 2001). In the year 2003 we have also organized, in addition
and with the help of EURESCO, the conference titled "Euroconference
on symmetries beyond the Standard models" from 12. -- 17. of July 2003
in Portoroz, Slovenia. Proceedings volume published in 2003 contains
write-ups of the talks at this conference.

**************************************** Location

The Physical Society together with the Mathematical Society owns a
house, whose owner was our well known mathematician Josip
Plemelj. This house can accept at most 18 people in 9 rooms. The
street location of the house is Presernova cesta 39, Bled. It also
has a lecture room for around 20 people. We also can make the hotel
reservation, or you can do that by yourself (Bled homepage
http://www.Bled.si contains links to hotels). If you want us to do that
then, please, let us know very soon.

*************************************** Cost

We are trying to keep the costs low. The Conference Fee will be 530 EUR
for the whole duration of the Workshop (or 60 EUR per day) and it will
cover breakfast, coffees, lunch-snacks and dinner for 8 days, and 50 EUR
for the Proceedings, (already included in 530 EUR).
In addition, the price of weakly accommodation in Villa Plemelj is 220
EUR (sharing a double bedroom) or 440 EUR (for single occupancy)
and it is paid separately from the Conference Fee.

*************************************** Letter of invitation

Please let us know, if you need a letter of invitation from the
organizing committee either for your institute/university or for
a visa application. We recommend that you bring appropriate shoes
and parkas for trekking and mountaineering .

*************************************** Bled
Bled is a nice town by the lake of the same name, surrounded by
mountains, with many comfortable hotels. Home page of Bled,
containing information for visitors, is available at

http://www.bled.si in several languages.

The workshop is organized by the DMFA (Society of Mathematicians,
Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia). The workshop is sponsored by
DMFA and Department of Physics, FMF, University of Ljubljana with the
computer equipment and supported by Beyond Semiconductor, and the
last several years by MDPI. Also Niels Bohr institute is supporting the
workshops, and all those who are paying the living expenses by
themselves, if the institutions do not pay their travel and living expenses
as well.

You may send a one page contribution to the workshop.

We also suggest you to write in a few sentences the suggestions for
the open problems, which you are prepared to lead the discussions for,
or you suggest the discussions about.

It is planned that in the first two or three days everybody will
present her or his work in a one hour talk (although the talks
usually, because of many questions and interruptions, last much
In the rest of the workshop we shall discuss the open problems.

TITLE OF TALK.................................

We are looking forward to meeting you in real, but also ,if in real is
not possible, then virtually.

Norma Susana Mankoc Borstnik, Holger Bech Nielsen, Maxim Yu. Khlopov
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
Administrateur du site
Posts: 1987
Joined: Sat 9 Aug 2008 19:42
Location: Paris

The regularly up-dated program of XXVI Bled Workshop

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Sat 8 Jul 2023 03:01

PROGRAM of the 26th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Real and Virtual Workshop ]

Monday, 10th of July 2023

Arrival day

Afternoon session:
Chair person: Elia Dmitrieff
Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00

15:30 – 16:00: N.S. Mankoč Borštnik: Opening the 26th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Real and Virtual Workshop ]

16.00 – 17:30: N.S. Mankoč Borštnik: How far can we understand nature with the spin-charge-family theory, describing the internal spaces of fermions and bosons with the Clifford algebra I.a.

17.30 – 19:00: U. Jentschura: Ultra-relativistic tachyonic and tardyonic wavepackets on cosmic scales, I.a.

20:00 Dinner at Labod

21:30 Discussion section on questions of the day

PROGRAM of the 26th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Real and Virtual Workshop ]

Tuesday, 11th of July 2023

7:00 – 8:30 Morning private discussion section

8:30 – 9:30 Breakfast.

Morning session:

Chair person: E.Dmitrieff

Bled/Ljubljana 09:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:00 New Delhi 12:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:00 Tokyo 16:00 New York 03:00 San Francisco 00:00

11:00 – 12:30 E. Miztani: A transformation groupoid and its representation -- A theory of dimensionality, I.a.

12.30-13.30 : N.S. Mankoč Borštnik: How Clifford algebra helps understand second quantized quarks, leptons and corresponding vector and scalar boson fields, opening a new step beyond the standard model, II.a.

13:00 Fast lunch. Preparing program of the next day

Afternoon session:

Chair person: N.S. Mankoč Borštnik

Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00

16:00 – 17:30: U. Jentschura: Ultra-relativistic tachyonic and tardyonic wavepackets on cosmic scales, I.b.

17.30 – 19:00: Elia Dmitrieff: Some informational aspects of fundamental particle modeling

19:00 Dinner at Labod

22:00 Discussion section on questions of the day

PROGRAM of the 26th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Real and Virtual Workshop ]

Wednesday, 12th of July 2023

7:00 – 8:30 Morning private discussion section

8:30 – 9:30 Breakfast.

Morning session:

Chair person: M. Khlopov

Bled/Ljubljana 09:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:00 New Delhi 12:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:00 Tokyo 16:00 New York 03:00 San Francisco 00:00

09:30 – 11: 00: Andrea Addazi: Quantum gravity in lab, I.a.

11:00 – 12:30: H.B. Nielsen: A point of view of gravity as needed spontaneous breaking of local general linear group, I.a.

12.30 – 13.00 : E. Mitzani: A transformation groupoid and its representation -- A theory of dimensionality, I.b.

13:00 Fast lunch. Preparing program of the next day

Afternoon session:

Chair person: E. Miztani

Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00

16:00 – 17:30: K.V. Stepaniantz: The gauge coupling unification in Grand Unified Theories based on the group E_8, I.a.

17.30 – 19:00: Mankoč Borštnik: How far can we understand nature with the spin-charge-family theory, describing the internal spaces of fermions and bosons with the Clifford algebra I.b.
19:00 Dinner at Labod

22:00 Discussion section on questions of the day

PROGRAM of the 26th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Real and Virtual Workshop ]

Thursday, 13th of July 2023

7:00 – 8:30 Morning private discussion section

8:30 – 9:30 Breakfast.
Morning session:

Chairperson: M.Y. Khlopov

Bled/Ljubljana 09:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:00 New Delhi 12:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:00 Tokyo 16:00 New York 03:00 San Francisco 00:00

09:30 – 11:00: R: Bernabei: I. Recent efforts in the DAMA project; II. Ssummary: The features and the results of DAMA/LIBRA{phase2 experiment at Gran Sasso

11:00 – 12: 30: K. Zioutas: Clean energy from the dark Universe?, I.a.

12.30 – 13.30 Andrea Addazi: Quantum gravity in lab, I.b.

13:30 Fast lunch. Preparing program of the next day

Afternoon session:

Chair person: E. Dmitrieff
Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00

.16:00 – 17:30: N.S. Mankoč Borštnik: How Clifford algebra helps understand second quantized quarks, leptons and corresponding vector and scalar boson fields, opening a new step beyond the standard model, II.b.

17.30 – 19:00: H.B. Nielsen: A point of view of gravity as needed spontaneous breaking of local general linear group

19:00 Dinner at Labod
21:30 Discussion section on questions of the day

PROGRAM of the 26th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Real and Virtual Workshop ]

Friday, 14th of July 2023

7:00 – 8:30 Morning private discussion section

8:30 – 9:30 Breakfast.
Morning session:

Chairperson: E. Miztani

Bled/Ljubljana 09:30 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:30 New Delhi 13:00 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:30 Tokyo 16:30 New York 03:30 San Francisco 00:30

09:30 – 11: 00: H.B. Nielsen: Dark matter with macroscopic particles developed, II.a.
11:00 – 12: 30: I. Antoniadis: Swampland program, extra dimensions and supersymmetry breaking
12.30 – 13:30 Sourav Roy Chowdhury: The stochastical gravitational wave background

13:30 Fast lunch. Preparing program of the next day

Afternoon session:

Chairperson: A. Hernandez-Galeana

Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00

16: 00 – 17:10: H.B. Nielsen: Dark matter with macroscopic particles developed, IIb.

17:10 – 18:40: E. Dmitrieff: Some informational aspects of fundamental particle modelling, Ib.

18.40 - 19.30: E. Mitzani: A transformation groupoid and its representation -- A theory of dimensionality, I.c.

19:30 Dinner at Labod

PROGRAM of the 26th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Real and Virtual Workshop ]

Saturday, 15th of July 2023

7:00 – 8:30 Morning private discussion section

8:30 – 9:30 Breakfast.

Morning session:

Chairperson: H.B. Nielsen

Bled/Ljubljana 09:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:00 New Delhi 12:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:00 Tokyo 16:00 New York 03:00 San Francisco 00:00

09:30 – 11:00: R: Bernabei: I. Recent efforts in the DAMA project; II. Summary: The features and the results of DAMA/LIBRA{phase2 experiment at Gran Sasso 1b

11:00 – 12:30:O.M. Lecian: Properties of fractons, I.a.

12:30 – 13: 30: P. Natwariya: In search of global 21-cm signal using artificial neural network in light of EDGES and ARCADE 2.

13.00: Fast lunch. Preparing program of the next day

Afternoon session:

16:00 – 19:00: Chair person: A. Kleppe

Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00
16:00 – 17:30: N.S. Mankoc Borstnik: Clifford odd and even objects in even and odd dimensional spaces describing internal, III.a.

17.30 – 18:30: K. Zioutas: Clean energy from the dark Universe? I.b.

19:00 Dinner

PROGRAM of the 26th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [Virtual Workshop ]

Sunday, 16th of July 2023

7:00 – 8:30 Morning private discussion section

8:30 – 9:30 Breakfast
Morning session:

Chair person: H.B. Nielsen

09:30 – 11:00:Shu-Yuan Guo: Footprints of axion-like particle in pulsar timing array data and JWST observations, I.a
11:00 – 12:00 : M. Krasnov: Multidimensional f(R)-gravity as the source of primordial black holes.

12:00 – 13:00: M.Yu. Khlopov: Recent advances of Beyond the Standard model cosmology, I.a.

13:00 – 14: 00: O.M. Lecian: Properties of fractons, I.b. .

13.00 – 14.00: A. Chaudhuri: Dark matter production from two evaporating PBH distributions.

14.00 – 15.00 D. Sopin; Balancing baryon and dark matter excess

15:00 Fast lunch. Preparing program of the next day

Afternoon session:

Chair person: N.S. Mankoč Borštnik

Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00
16:00 – 17:30: K. Zioutas: Clean energy from the dark Universe? I.b.

17.30 – 19:00: Discussion

PROGRAM of the 26th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [Virtual Workshop ]

Monday, 17th of July 2023

7:00 – 8:30 Morning private discussion section

8:30 – 9:30 Breakfast.
Morning session:

Chair person: A.Chaudhuri

09:30 – 11:00 N.M. Mankoc Borstnik: Can the Clifford even algebra, used to describe internal spaces of boson fields, which are the gauge fields of fermion fields described by the Clifford odd algebra, bring a new understanding into second quantization of (gravity) felds?

11:00 – 12:30: H.B. Nielsen: Dark matter with macroscopic particles developed, IIb.

12:30 – 14:00: A. Ghosal: Sky meets Laboratory via RGE: Axions, Peccei-Quinn phase transitions and gravitational waves

14:00 Fast lunch. Preparing program of the next day

Afternoon session

16:00 – 18:30: Chair person: N.S.Mankoc Borstnik

Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00
16:00 – 18:30: A. Hernandez-Galeana: Fermion masses and mixing within a gauged SU(3) family symmetry model I.a.

18:30: N.S. Mankoč Borštnik: Closing the Real Part of the Workshop

PROGRAM of the 26th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Tuesday, 18th of July 2023

Morning session:

Chair person: M.Yu. Khlopov

Bled/Ljubljana 09:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:00 New Delhi 12:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:00 Tokyo 16:00 New York 03:00 San Francisco 00:00

09:30 – 11:00: Andrea Addazi: Quantum gravity in lab, I.b.

11:00 – 12:00: V. Vakulenko: Possibility of formation of antimeteorites in a globular cluster of antistars

12:00 – 13:30: H.B. Nielsen: A point of view of gravity as needed spontaneous breaking of local general linear group,

13:30 M.Khlopov. Closing the ZOOM Part of the Workshop
Abstracts of talks
(131.82 KiB) Downloaded 1062 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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Posts: 1987
Joined: Sat 9 Aug 2008 19:42
Location: Paris

Zoom links to XXVI Bled Workshop

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Sat 8 Jul 2023 03:45

Zooming of the XXVI Bled Workshop will take place by link
https://cern.zoom.us/j/4420940189?pwd=L ... RKYW1Ydz09
Meeting ID 442 094 0189
pass code (if required) 628661
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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Posts: 1987
Joined: Sat 9 Aug 2008 19:42
Location: Paris

Monday 10 July at XXVI Bled Workshop

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Mon 10 Jul 2023 04:08

PROGRAM of the 26th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Real and Virtual Workshop ]

Monday, 10th of July 2023

Arrival day

Afternoon session:
Chair person: Elia Dmitrieff
Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00

15:30 – 16:00: N.S. Mankoč Borštnik: Opening the 26th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Real and Virtual Workshop ]

16.00 – 17:30: N.S. Mankoč Borštnik: How far can we understand nature with the spin-charge-family theory, describing the internal spaces of fermions and bosons with the Clifford algebra I.a.
phpBB [video]

17.30 – 19:00: U. Jentschura: Ultra-relativistic tachyonic and tardyonic wavepackets on cosmic scales, I.a.
phpBB [video]

20:00 Dinner at Labod

21:30 Discussion section on questions of the day
Presentation of the talk by U. Jentschura: Ultra-relativistic tachyonic and tardyonic wavepackets on cosmic scales
(925.5 KiB) Downloaded 1099 times
Presentation by N.S. Mankoč Borštnik: How far can we understand nature with the spin-charge-family theory, describing the internal spaces of fermions and bosons with the Clifford algebra
(1.27 MiB) Downloaded 1061 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
Administrateur du site
Posts: 1987
Joined: Sat 9 Aug 2008 19:42
Location: Paris

Tuesday 11 July at XXVI Bled Workshop

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Tue 11 Jul 2023 11:47

PROGRAM of the 26th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Real and Virtual Workshop ]

Tuesday, 11th of July 2023

7:00 – 8:30 Morning private discussion section

8:30 – 9:30 Breakfast.

Morning session:

Chair person: E.Dmitrieff

Bled/Ljubljana 09:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:00 New Delhi 12:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:00 Tokyo 16:00 New York 03:00 San Francisco 00:00

11:00 – 12:30 E. Miztani: A transformation groupoid and its representation -- A theory of dimensionality, I.a.
phpBB [video]

12.30-13.30 : N.S. Mankoč Borštnik: How Clifford algebra helps understand second quantized quarks, leptons and corresponding vector and scalar boson fields, opening a new step beyond the standard model, II.a.
phpBB [video]

13:00 Fast lunch. Preparing program of the next day

Afternoon session:

Chair person: N.S. Mankoč Borštnik

Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00

16:00 – 17:30: U. Jentschura: Quantum Electrodynamics: A Few Additions to a Jewel of Theoretical Physics, I.a.
phpBB [video]

17.30 – 19:00: Elia Dmitrieff: Some informational aspects of fundamental particle modeling
phpBB [video]

19:00 Dinner at Labod

22:00 Discussion section on questions of the day
Presentation of talk by U.Jentschura: Quantum Electrodynamics: A Few Additions
to a Jewel of Theoretical Physics
(3.49 MiB) Downloaded 922 times
A Transformation Groupoid and Its Representation — A Theory of Dimensionality.pdf
Presentation by E. Miztani: A transformation groupoid and its representation -- A theory of dimensionality
(1.11 MiB) Downloaded 1118 times
Presentation by N.S. Mankoč Borštnik: How Clifford algebra helps understand second quantized quarks, leptons and corresponding vector and scalar boson fields, opening a new step beyond the standard model
(621.39 KiB) Downloaded 1006 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
Administrateur du site
Posts: 1987
Joined: Sat 9 Aug 2008 19:42
Location: Paris

Wednesday 12 July at XXVI Bled Workshop

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Tue 11 Jul 2023 11:48

PROGRAM of the 26th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Real and Virtual Workshop ]

Wednesday, 12th of July 2023

7:00 – 8:30 Morning private discussion section

8:30 – 9:30 Breakfast.

Morning session:

Chair person: M. Khlopov

Bled/Ljubljana 09:30 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:30 New Delhi 13:00 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:30 Tokyo 16:30 New York 03:30 San Francisco 00:30

09:30 – 11: 00: Andrea Addazi: Quantum gravity in lab, I.a.
phpBB [video]

11:00 – 12:30: H.B. Nielsen: A point of view of gravity as needed spontaneous breaking of local general linear group, I.a.
Part 1
phpBB [video]

Part 2
phpBB [video]

12.30 – 13.00 : E. Mitzani: A transformation groupoid and its representation -- A theory of dimensionality, I.b.
Part 1
phpBB [video]

Part 2
phpBB [video]

13:00 Fast lunch. Preparing program of the next day

Afternoon session:

Chair person: E. Miztani

Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00

16:00 – 17:30: K.V. Stepaniantz: The gauge coupling unification in Grand Unified Theories based on the group E_8, I.a.
phpBB [video]

17.30 – 19:00: Mankoč Borštnik: How far can we understand nature with the spin-charge-family theory, describing the internal spaces of fermions and bosons with the Clifford algebra I.b.
phpBB [video]

19:00 Dinner at Labod

22:00 Discussion section on questions of the day
Presentation of the talk by H.B. Nielsen: A point of view of gravity as needed spontaneous breaking of local general linear group
(814.97 KiB) Downloaded 938 times
Presentation by K.V. Stepaniantz: The gauge coupling unification in Grand Unified Theories based on the group E_8
(556.48 KiB) Downloaded 683 times
AddaziSummer_2023 (2).pdf
Presentation of the talk by Andrea Addazi: Quantum gravity in lab,
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[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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Thursday 13 July at XXVI Bled Workshop

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Thu 13 Jul 2023 09:12

[video][/video]PROGRAM of the 26th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Real and Virtual Workshop ]

Thursday, 13th of July 2023

7:00 – 8:30 Morning private discussion section

8:30 – 9:30 Breakfast.
Morning session:

Chairperson: M.Y. Khlopov

Bled/Ljubljana 09:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:00 New Delhi 12:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:00 Tokyo 16:00 New York 03:00 San Francisco 00:00

09:30 – 11:00: R: Bernabei: I. Recent efforts in the DAMA project; II. Ssummary: The features and the results of DAMA/LIBRA{phase2 experiment at Gran Sasso
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11:00 – 12: 30: K. Zioutas: Clean energy from the dark Universe?, I.a.
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12.30 – 13.30 Andrea Addazi: Quantum gravity in lab, I.b.
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13:30 Fast lunch. Preparing program of the next day

Afternoon session:

Chair person: E. Dmitrieff
Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00

.16:00 – 17:30: N.S. Mankoč Borštnik: How Clifford algebra helps understand second quantized quarks, leptons and corresponding vector and scalar boson fields, opening a new step beyond the standard model, II.b.
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17.30 – 19:00: H.B. Nielsen: A point of view of gravity as needed spontaneous breaking of local general linear group
19:00 Dinner at Labod
21:30 Discussion section on questions of the day
Presentation by R: Bernabei: I. Recent efforts in the DAMA project; II. Ssummary: The features and the results of DAMA/LIBRA{phase2 experiment at Gran Sasso
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Bled presentation 13th July 2023 FINAL.pptx
Presentation of the talk by K. Zioutas: Clean energy from the dark Universe?
(7.68 MiB) Downloaded 1079 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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Posts: 1987
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Location: Paris

Friday 14 July at XXVI Bled Workshop

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Thu 13 Jul 2023 14:39

PROGRAM of the 26th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Real and Virtual Workshop ]

Friday, 14th of July 2023

7:00 – 8:30 Morning private discussion section

8:30 – 9:30 Breakfast.
Morning session:

Chairperson: E. Miztani

Bled/Ljubljana 09:30 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:30 New Delhi 13:00 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:30 Tokyo 16:30 New York 03:30 San Francisco 00:30

09:30 – 11: 00: H.B. Nielsen: Dark matter with macroscopic particles developed, II.a.
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11:00 – 12: 30: I. Antoniadis: Swampland program, extra dimensions and supersymmetry breaking
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12.30 – 13:30 Sourav Roy Chowdhury: The stochastical gravitational wave background
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13:30 Fast lunch. Preparing program of the next day

Afternoon session:

Chairperson: A. Hernandez-Galeana

Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00

16: 00 – 17:10: H.B. Nielsen: Dark matter with macroscopic particles developed, IIb.
17:10 – 18:40: E. Dmitrieff: Some informational aspects of fundamental particle modelling, Ib.
18.40 - 19.30: E. Mitzani: A transformation groupoid and its representation -- A theory of dimensionality, I.c.

19:30 Dinner at Labod
Presentation by H.B. Nielsen: Dark matter with macroscopic particles developed
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Presentation by Sourav Roy Chowdhury: The stochastical gravitational wave background
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Presentation by I. Antoniadis: Swampland program, extra dimensions and supersymmetry breaking
(1.35 MiB) Downloaded 1064 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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Posts: 1987
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Location: Paris

Saturday 15 July at XXVI Bled Workshop

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Sat 15 Jul 2023 14:52

PROGRAM of the 26th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Real and Virtual Workshop ]

Saturday, 15th of July 2023

7:00 – 8:30 Morning private discussion section

8:30 – 9:30 Breakfast.

Morning session:

Chairperson: H.B. Nielsen

Bled/Ljubljana 09:30 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:30 New Delhi 13:00 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:30 Tokyo 16:30 New York 03:30 San Francisco 00:30

09:30 – 11:00: R: Bernabei: I. Recent efforts in the DAMA project; II. Summary: The features and the results of DAMA/LIBRA{phase2 experiment at Gran Sasso 1b
phpBB [video]

11:00 – 12:30: P. Natwariya: In search of global 21-cm signal using artificial neural network in light of EDGES and ARCADE 2
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12:30 – 13: 30: .E. Mitzani: A transformation groupoid and its representation -- A theory of dimensionality, I.c.
phpBB [video]

13.30: Fast lunch. Preparing program of the next day

Afternoon session:

16:00 – 19:00: Chair person: A. Kleppe

Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00
16:00 – 17:30: N.S. Mankoc Borstnik: Clifford odd and even objects in even and odd dimensional spaces describing internal, III.a.

17.30 – 18:30: K. Zioutas: Clean energy from the dark Universe? I.b.
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19:00 Dinner
Presentation by P. Natwariya: In search of global 21-cm signal using artificial neural network in light of EDGES and ARCADE 2
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Presentation by N.S. Mankoc Borstnik: Clifford odd and even objects in even and odd dimensional spaces describing internal,
(701.33 KiB) Downloaded 1047 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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Posts: 1987
Joined: Sat 9 Aug 2008 19:42
Location: Paris

Sunday 16 July at XXVI Bled Workshop

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Sun 16 Jul 2023 07:29

PPROGRAM of the 26th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [Virtual Workshop ]

Sunday, 16th of July 2023

7:00 – 8:30 Morning private discussion section

8:30 – 9:30 Breakfast
Morning session:

Chair person: H.B. Nielsen

Bled/Ljubljana 09:30 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:30 New Delhi 13:00 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:30 Tokyo 16:30 New York 03:30 San Francisco 00:30

09:30 – 11:00:Shu-Yuan Guo: Footprints of axion-like particle in pulsar timing array data and JWST observations,
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Discussion of Shu-Yuan's talk
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11:00 – 12:00 : O.M. Lecian: Properties of fractons, I a...
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12:00 – 13:00: M.Yu. Khlopov: Recent advances of Beyond the Standard model cosmology,
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13:00-14.00 Fast lunch.

14:00 – 15: 00: M. Krasnov: Multidimensional f(R)-gravity as the source of primordial black holes
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15.00 – 16.00: A. Chaudhuri: Dark matter production from two evaporating PBH distributions.
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Afternoon session:

Chair person: E.Dmitrieff

Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00
16:00 – 18:00: A. Hernandez-Galeana: Fermion masses and mixing within a gauged SU(3) family symmetry model
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18.00 – 19.00 D. Sopin; Balancing baryon and dark matter excess
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Presentation by A. Chaudhuri: Dark matter production from two evaporating PBH distributions
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Presentation by O.M. Lecian: Properties of fractons
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Presentation by Shu-Yuan Guo: Footprints of axion-like particle in pulsar timing array data and JWST observations
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Khlopov Bled2023 Fin talk.pdf
Presentation by M.Yu. Khlopov: Recent advances of Beyond the Standard model cosmology,
(3.09 MiB) Downloaded 1098 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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Posts: 1987
Joined: Sat 9 Aug 2008 19:42
Location: Paris



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