XXIV Bled Workshop "What comes beyond SM"

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XXIV Bled Workshop "What comes beyond SM"

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Sun 4 Jul 2021 21:50

XXIV Beld Workshop "What comes beyond the Standard Models" was held online on the VIA platform in Zoom


Meeting ID 442 094 0189

pass code (if required) 628661
The work of VIA platform was supported by grant of Russian Science Foundation (Project No-18-12-00213-P).
It's tentative programme is given below, but the creative and nonformal spirit of this meeting makes us to fix the programme of the next day in the evening of the previous day. The final programme corresponding to the actual Workshop proceedings is attached for comparison

PROGRAM of the 24th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Monday, 5th of July 2021

7:00 – 9:00 Morning private discussion section

Morning session:

Chair person: Maxim Yu. Khlopov

Bled/Ljubljana 09:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:00 New Delhi 12:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:00 Tokyo 16:00 New York 21:00
San Francisco 00:00

09:00 – 09:30 Norma S. Mankoč Borštnik: Opening of 24th Bled workshop

09:30 – 11: 00 C. D. Froggatt, H.B. Nielsen: Small Bubbles of New Vacuum Dark Matter Scenario, DAMA and Xenon1T “see” Excited Bubbles

11.00 – 12.30 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik: Understanding nature with the spin-charge-family theory

12.30 – 14.00 Loriano Bonora: HS Yang-Mills-like models

Afternoon session:
Chair person: Holger B. Nielsen
Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00

16:00 – 17:30: Igor Nikitin: Galactic model with a phase transition from dark matter to dark energy I

17.30 – 19:00: Maxim Yu. Khlopov: BSM Cosmology from BSM Physics I

19.00 – 20.30 Non-formal discussions, lead by Holger B. Nielsen

21:00 Preparing program for next day

PROGRAM of the 24th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Tuesday, 6th of July 2021

7:00 – 9:00 Morning private discussion section

Morning session:

Chair person: Igor Nikitin

Bled/Ljubljana 09:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:00 New Delhi 12:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:00 Tokyo 16:00 New York 21:00 San Francisco 00:00

09:00 – 09:30 Norma S. Mankoč Borštnik: Discussion on how to make Workshop easy to follow

09:30 – 11: 00 Stanley J. Brodsky: Color Confinement, Supersymmetric Properties of Hadron Physics, and Novel Features of QCD from Light-Front Holography

11.00 – 12.30 Quaisar Shafi: Topological Structures in Unified Theories

12.30 – 14.00 Alexander Belyaev: Consistent Dark Matter exploration I

Afternoon session:
Chair person: Maxim Yu. Khlopov
Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00

16:00 – 17:30: Konstantin Stepanyantz: Ultraviolet divergences in supersymmetric theories regularized by higher derivatives

17.30 – 19:00: Igor Nikitin: Galactic model with a phase transition from dark matter to dark energy II

19.00 – 20.30 Non-formal discussions, lead by Maxim Yu. Khlopov

21:00 Preparing program for next day

PROGRAM of the 24th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Wednesday, 7th of July 2021

7:00 – 9:00 Morning private discussion section

Morning session:

Chair person: Norma S. Mankoč Borštnik

Bled/Ljubljana 09:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:00 New Delhi 12:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:00 Tokyo 16:00 New York 21:00 San Francisco 00:00

09:00 – 09:30 General discussion, time for suggestions

09:30 – 11: 00 Martin Land: Mass as a dynamical variable I

11.00 - 12.30 Elias Kiritsis: Coleman de Luccia transitions, and their implications for Quantum Field Theories on De Sitter space I

12.30 – 14.00 Jon Chkareuli: Gauge fields as constrained composite bosons I

Afternoon session:
Chair person: Stanley Brodsky
Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00

16:00 – 16:45: V.I. Kuksa, V.A. Beylin: Main features of hadronic dark matter scenario

16:45 – 17:30 V. Beylin and V. Kuksa: The multi-component dark matter structure and its possible observed manifestations

17.30 – 19:00: Sonja Kabana: Title to be announced I

19.00 – 20.30 Albino Hernández-Galeana: Neutrino masses within a SU(3) family symmetry and a 3+5 scenario I

21:00 Preparing program for next day

PROGRAM of the 24th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Thursday, 8th of July 2021

7:00 – 9:00 Morning private discussion section

Morning session:

Chair person: Martin Land

Bled/Ljubljana 09:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:00 New Delhi 12:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:00 Tokyo 16:00 New York 21:00 San Francisco 00:00

09:00 – 09:30 Nonformal discussion, led by Martin Land

09:30 – 11: 00 Martin Land: Mass as a dynamical variable II
11.00 – 12.30 Ignatios Antoniadis: Title to be announced I

12.30 – 14.00 Holger B. Nielsen, Masao Ninomiya: Bound States of Infinitely Many Constituents of Strings - Symmetry Considerations II

Afternoon session:
Chair person: Konstantin Stepanyantz
Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00

16:00 – 17:30: Rabindra Mohapatra: B-L, The Next Symmetry of Nature I

17.30 – 19:00: N.S. Mankoč Borštnik: Understanding nature with the spin-charge-family theory II

19.00 – 20.30 Stanley J. Brodsky: Color Confinement, Supersymmetric Properties of Hadron Physics, and Novel Features of QCD from Light-Front Holography II

21:00 Preparing program for next day

PROGRAM of the 24th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Friday, 9th of July 2021

7:00 – 9:00 Morning private discussion section

Morning session:

Chair person: Astri Kleppe

Bled/Ljubljana 09:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:00 New Delhi 12:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:00 Tokyo 16:00 New York 21:00 San Francisco 00:00

09:00 – 09:30 Nonformal discussion, led by Astri Kleppe

09:30 – 11: 00 Konstantin Stepanyantz: Ultraviolet divergences in supersymmetric theories regularized by higher derivatives II

11.00 – 12.30 Albino Hernández-Galeana: Neutrino masses within a SU(3) family symmetry and a 3+5 scenario II

12.30 – 14.00 Elia Dmitrieff: Bit graphs and convergence of divergent series

Afternoon session:
Chair person: Albino Hernández-Galeana
Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00

16:00 – 17:30: Holger.B.Nielsen, Astri Kleppe: Skewness, Number of Families III

17.30 – 19:00: Sonia Kabana II

19.00 – 20.30 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik: Understanding nature with the spin-charge-family theory III

21:00 Preparing program for next day

PROGRAM of the 24th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Saturday, 10th of July 2021

Zoom room is open for nonformal discussion

PROGRAM of the 24th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Sunday, 11th of July 2021

7:00 – 9:00 Morning private discussion section

Morning session:

Chair person: Maxim Yu. Khlopov

Bled/Ljubljana 09:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:00 New Delhi 12:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:00 Tokyo 16:00 New York 21:00 San Francisco 00:00

09:00 – 10:30 Rita Bernabei: Recent results and developments from DAMA/LIBRA-phase2

10:30 – 11:00 Shiladitya Porey: Entropy production in Electroweak Phase Transition (EWPT) in the early universe

11:00 – 11:30 Arnab Chaudhuri: Charge asymmetry of new stable quarks in baryon asymmetrical Universe

11:30 – 12:00 Sourav R. Chowdhuri: Gravitational waves in modified gravity

12.00 – 14.00 Nonformal discussions

Afternoon session: closing
Chair person: Igor Nikitin
Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00

16:00 – 17:30 M.Yu. Khlopov, O.M. Lecian: Statistical anaylses of antimatter domains, created by nonhomogeneous baryosynthesis in a baryon asymmetrical Universe

17:30 – 18:00 Anastasia Kirichenko: The flux of antihelium nuclei from a globular cluster of antimatter in the Galaxy

18:00 – 18:30 Anastasia Kovalenko: New cosmic particles from dark matter physics

18:30 – 19:00 T.E. Bikbaev: Numerical modelling of dark atom interaction with nuclei

19:00 – 19:30 Viktor Stasenko: Dynamics and mergers of primordial black holes in a cluster

19.30 – 20.30
The actual programme of the Workshop, corresponding to its proceeding
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Abstracts of talks
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[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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XXIV Bled Workshop Programme on 5 July 2021

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Sun 4 Jul 2021 21:59

PROGRAM of the 24th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Monday, 5th of July 2021

7:00 – 9:00 Morning private discussion section

Morning session:

Chair person: Maxim Yu. Khlopov

Bled/Ljubljana 09:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:00 New Delhi 12:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:00 Tokyo 16:00 New York 21:00
San Francisco 00:00

09:00 – 09:30 Norma S. Mankoč Borštnik: Opening of 24th Bled workshop
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09:30 – 11: 00 C. D. Froggatt, H.B. Nielsen: Small Bubbles of New Vacuum Dark Matter Scenario, DAMA and Xenon1T “see” Excited Bubbles
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11.00 – 12.30 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik: Understanding nature with the spin-charge-family theory
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Astri Kleppe asked the following questios::
1. Of all possible groups, how did you choose SO(13,1) as your 'ontological group'?

2. In breaking SO(13,1) down to the SM group, I guess there could be different paths for the breaking? If so, what principle governs your breaking pattern?

3. I am especially interested in the derivation of Yukawa couplings from the gravitational part of your model in d=13+1. Could you give a very conceptual explanation for dummies how that works? Maybe that in reality entails an explanation for the whole package: gravity(13+1) --> Higgs, Yukawas, gauge vector fields in 3+1 dim.

- Is there a misprint in eqn (100) in the definition of p_{0\alpha}?

4. You mention massless fermions without charges, do you also have massless charged particles?

5. You get the anticommutation property for second quantized fermions also for single fermion states, can you explain that? Is the choosing of odd basis vectors the same as postulating antisymmetry? (or maybe I have misunderstood?)

12.30 – 14.00 Loriano Bonora: HS Yang-Mills-like models
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Afternoon session:
Chair person: Holger B. Nielsen
Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00

16:00 – 17:30: Igor Nikitin: Galactic model with a phase transition from dark matter to dark energy I
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17.30 – 19:00: Maxim Yu. Khlopov: BSM Cosmology from BSM Physics I
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19.00 – 20.30 Non-formal discussions, lead by Holger B. Nielsen

21:00 Preparing program for next day
Presentation of N.S. Mankoc Borstnik's talk "How far has so far the Spin-Charge-Familytheory succeeded to offer the explanationfor the observed phenomena :i.The standard model assumptions,ii. second quantized fermion fields,iii.matter-antimatter asymmetry,iv.he appearance of the dark matter,....,making several predictions"
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Presentation of L.Bonora's talk "A YM like theory with infinite many fields"
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Bled talk 2021.pdf
Presentation of M.Yu.Khlopov's talk "BSM Cosmology from BSM Physics"
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Presentation of I.Nikitin's talk "Galactic model with a phase transition from dark matter to dark energy"
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Presentation of C. D. Froggatt and H.B. Nielsen's talk "Small Bubbles of New Vacuum Dark Matter Scenario, DAMA and Xenon1T “see” Excited Bubbles"
(831.99 KiB) Downloaded 532 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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Reviews on "What comes beyond SM"

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Mon 5 Jul 2021 12:54

With kind permission of "Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics" we are happy to share the reviews, published in this journal "What comes after the Standard model?" by M.Yu.Khlopov and "How does Clifford algebra show the way to the second quantized fermions with unified spins, charges and families, and with vector and scalar gauge fields beyond the standard model" by N.S. Mankoc Borstnik and H.B. Nielsen
Review "How does Clifford algebra show the way to the second quantized fermions with unified spins, charges and families, and with vector and scalar gauge fields beyond the standard model" by N.S. Mankoc Borstnik and H.B. Nielsen to be published in PPNP
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M.Khlopov's review "What comes after the Standard model?", pubished in PPNP
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[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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Posts: 1958
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XXIV Bled Workshop Programme on 6 July

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Mon 5 Jul 2021 21:29

PROGRAM of the 24th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Tuesday, 6th of July 2021

7:00 – 9:00 Morning private discussion section

Morning session:

Chair person: Norma S. Mankoč Borštnik

Bled/Ljubljana 09:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:00 New Delhi 12:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:00 Tokyo 16:00 New York 21:00 San Francisco 00:00

09:00 – 09:30 Norma S. Mankoč Borštnik: Discussion on how to make Workshop easy to follow
phpBB [video]

09:30 – 11: 00 Stanley J. Brodsky: Color Confinement, Supersymmetric Properties of Hadron Physics, and Novel Features of QCD from Light-Front Holography
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11.00 – 12.30 Igor Nikitin: Galactic model with a phase transition from dark matter to dark energy II
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12.30 – 14.00 Alexander Belyaev: Consistent Dark Matter exploration I
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Afternoon session:
Chair person: Maxim Yu. Khlopov
Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00

16:00 – 17:30: Konstantin Stepanyantz: Ultraviolet divergences in supersymmetric theories regularized by higher derivatives
phpBB [video]

17.30 – 19:00: Quaisar Shafi: Topological Structures in Unified Theories
phpBB [video]

19.00 – 20.30 Non-formal discussions, lead by Maxim Yu. Khlopov

21:00 Preparing program for next day
Presentation of K.Stepanyantz' talk "Ultraviolet divergences in supersymmetric theories regularized by higher derivatives"
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Bled 2021 Final .pdf
Presentation of Q.Shafis talk "Topological Structures in Unified Theories"
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Brodsky Bled 2021 Talk I.pdf
Presentation of S.Brodsky's talk "Color Confinement, Supersymmetric Properties of Hadron Physics, and Novel Features of QCD from Light-Front Holography" Part 1
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Presentation of A.Beyaev's talk "Towards the Consistent Dark Matter exploration"
(3.58 MiB) Downloaded 498 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
Administrateur du site
Posts: 1958
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Location: Paris

Open questions in what comes beyond SM

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Tue 6 Jul 2021 12:42

The list of open problems, which you all are welcome to extend
A. Theoretical problems to be solved:\\

A.i. Properties of the vector gauge, scalar gauge and fermion
fields after the appearance of the condensate of two right
handed neutrinos ($\nu^{f}_{R} $ spin up and $\nu^{f}_{R} $
or? spin down). What triggers the appearance of the
condensate? Which scalar fields couple to the condensate?
Which vector gauge fields of $\tilde{S}^{ab}$ couple to
the condensate?
Does the condensate trigger the reduction of the Clifford
algebra and how does it?\\
A.ii. The break of symmetries in the Kaluza-Klein fields. I find
the solution for $d=(5+1)$. What about from $d=(13+1)$
to $d=(7+1)$? ($SO(13+1)$ to $SO(7+1)\times SU(3)
\times U(1)$)\\
A.iii. In EPJC 77(2017)231 the proof is presented that if there
are no spinor present (like the neutrino condensate) the
vector and scalar gauge fields are expressible with
vielbeins and oposite. What if the scalar fields are present?\\
A.iv. If the way of breaking is known, what can we say about
coupling constants of the gauge and scalar fields.\\
A.v. Since the coupling constants of the vector gauge fields are
measured and the break of symmetries influence both
coupling constants, the ones of the vector gauge fields
and the one of the scalar gauge fields, we should be able
to demonstrate how do the coupling constants among
scalar fields at low energies manifest in the estimated,
not yet derived, Lagrange density after the electroweak
${\cal L}_{sg}= E\,\sum_{A,i} \,\{(p_{m} \,
A^{Ai}_{s})^{\dagger} \,(p^{m} \,A^{Ai}_{s}) -
(-\lambda^{Ai} + (m'_{Ai})^2)) \,A^{Ai \dagger}_{s}
$+ \sum_{B,j}\, \Lambda^{Ai Bj}\,A^{Ai \dagger}_{s}
A^{Ai}_{s} \;A^{Bj \dagger}_{s} A^{Bj}_{s}\}$.\\


B. Computational problems to be solved:\\

B.i. The variational problem to be solved, knowing the symmetry
of mass matrices (which limits free parameters of the mass
and mixing matrices) and the $3x3$ submatrix only \\
approximately, it is neede to take into accout the last
experimental data ( Gregor's program for variation of the
parameters. [arxiv:1502.06786, arxiv:1902.02691,arxiv:1092.10628]\\
B.ii. The dark matter candidate of the fifth family was treated by
assuming rotational symmetry. The last measurments (not
so last) show that the symmetry of the dark mtter is not
spherical. (Paolo Salucci wrote: "You assume that the density
distribution (ob-viously different from the ordinary matter
density distribution) causes that all the stars within a galaxy
rotate approximately with the same velocity (suggesting that
the densityis approximately spherically symmetrically distributed,
descending with the second power of the distance from the
center, it is extended also far out of the galaxy." \\
This is totally incorrect. Galaxies have a complex distribution
of profiles leading to a complex distribution of dark matter in
its radial and virial mass dependences. Salucci P., 2019,
The Astron Astrophys Rev, 27, 2. If your theory can explain
some of the true observational scenario . we could think about it)\\.
I think that the estimations of our papers are crude enough that
Salucci's observations do not change really our results.
But has to be checked. Phys. Rev. D 80,083534(2009)\\

B.iii. Do present experiments really forbid the fourth family? (The paper
written by me, Holger Nielsen, needs to be improved with respect to new data).\\

1. Do present experiments really forbid the fourth family?

2. The proof that the symmetry of mass matrices
$\widetilde{SU}(2)\times \widetilde{SU}(2)
\times U(1)$ keeps in all orders of loop corrections.\\
(AN, paper is written, A must write a computer program.)\\

3. Grassmann fermions and Clifford fermions. (Paper is written (NH).)\\
After the reduction of the Clifford space ${\cal S}^{ab}= S^{ab} + \tilde{S}^{ab}$
sees families and family members as spin $1$ fermions. $SO(5+1)$ forms decouplets!!
See how is this connected with flavour changing neutral currents.

3. Do present experiments really forbid the fourth family? (The paper must be improved.

4. Learning about properties of families after breaking symmetries in $d =(5+1)$. (
The paper was written for the proceedings, not yet for the paper (DN).)\\

5. The nonzero vacuum expectation values of the upper four families and the masses
of the weak bosons? How do they influence the weak boson masses?\\

6 Lepton number non conservations and scalar fields in the {\it spin-charge-family} theory.
I must have a look how do the scalar fields, which are clolour triplets, transforming antileptons
into quarks and antiquarks into quarks, causing in the expanding universe matter-antimatter
asymmetry influence the lepton number nonconserving (ND). See also Ljubljana, 16.05.2017.)

7. Coupling constants in $(3+1)$ for the {\it spin-charge-family} theory from comparison of
$SO(10)$ and $SO(13+1)$ (ND). Not yet written even for the Proceedings.)\\

8. Masses for four families from the {\it spin-charge-family} theory.

9. Dark matter to be repeated with new results.

Addition by I.Nikitin

() Do black holes have an event horizon or are they quasi-black holes without an event horizon, with a strong redshift and a Planck density core inside?
() Are dark matter particles heavy or can they also be massless, radially emitted by the quasi-black holes in galaxies?
() Can massless dark matter particles be photons with a very large wavelength?
() Can the long-wave photons interacting with the intergalactic medium undergo Bose-Einstein condensation and serve as dark energy on a cosmological scale?
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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Posts: 1958
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Location: Paris

XXIV Bled Workshop Programme on 7 July

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Tue 6 Jul 2021 21:11

PROGRAM of the 24th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Wednesday, 7th of July 2021

7:00 – 9:00 Morning private discussion section

Morning session:

Chair person: N.S. Mankoč Borštnik

Bled/Ljubljana 09:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:00 New Delhi 12:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:00 Tokyo 16:00 New York 21:00 San Francisco 00:00

09:00 – 09:30 General discussion, time for suggestions
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09:30 – 11: 00 Martin Land: Mass as a dynamical variable I
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11.00 - 12.30 Loriano Bonora: HS YM Like theory with infinitely many fields II
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12.30 – 13.15 V.I. Kuksa, V.A. Beylin: Main features of hadronic dark matter scenario
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13:15 – 14:00 V. Beylin and V. Kuksa: The multi-component dark matter structure and its possible observed manifestations
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Afternoon session:

Chair person: Martin Land
Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00

16:00 – 17:30 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik: Understanding nature with the spin-charge-family theory II
phpBB [video]

17.30 – 19:00: Albino Hernández-Galeana: Neutrino masses within a SU(3) family symmetry and a 3+5 scenario I
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21:00 Preparing program for next day
Presentation of Albino's talk "Neutrino masses within a SU(3) family symmetry and a 3+5 scenario"
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Presentation of V.Kuksa's talk "Main features of the hadronic dark matter scenario"
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Presentation of M.Land's talk "Mass as a Dynamical Variable"
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Beylin V_ BLED _2021.pdf
Presentation of the V.Beylin's talk "The multi-component dark matter structure and its possible observed manifestations."
(1.32 MiB) Downloaded 529 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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Posts: 1958
Joined: Sat 9 Aug 2008 19:42
Location: Paris

XXIV Bled Workshop Programme on 8 July

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Wed 7 Jul 2021 22:29

PROGRAM of the 24th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Thursday, 8th of July 2021

7:00 – 9:00 Morning private discussion section

Morning session:

Chair person: Konstantin Stepanyantz

Bled/Ljubljana 09:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:00 New Delhi 12:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:00 Tokyo 16:00 New York 21:00 San Francisco 00:00

09:00 – 09:30 Nonformal discussion, led by Martin Land
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09:30 – 11: 00 Elias Kirisis: Coleman de Luccia transitions, and their implications for Quantum Field Theories on De Sitter space
phpBB [video]

11.00 – 12.30 Ignatios Antoniadis: The cosmological constant in supergravity and string theory
phpBB [video]

12.30 – 14.00 Elia Dmitrieff: Bit graphs and convergence of divergent series
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Discussion with Elias Kiritsis
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Afternoon session:
Chair person: Maxim Khlopov
Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00

16:00 – 17:30: Rabindra Mohapatra: B-L, The Next Symmetry of Nature I
phpBB [video]

17.30 – 19:00: N.S. Mankoč Borštnik: Understanding nature with the spin-charge-family theory III
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A.Belyaev: Questions to Norma: 1) How different are the couplings of the fermions to SM Higgs boson in your model? 2) What is the DM candidate? 3) Which symmetry/quantrum number conservation makes DM stable 4) you have said that the model can solve hierarchy problem. How this works?

19.00 – 20.30 Stanley J. Brodsky: Color Confinement, Supersymmetric Properties of Hadron Physics, and Novel Features of QCD from Light-Front Holography II
phpBB [video]

21:00 Preparing program for next day
Bled 2021 Talk II C(1).pdf
Presentation of S.Brodsky's talk "Color Confinement, Supersymmetric Properties of Hadron Physics, and Novel Features of QCD from Light-Front Holography. Part II
(41.91 MiB) Downloaded 466 times
Presentation of R.Mohapatra's talk "B-L, The Next Symmetry of Nature"
(4.51 MiB) Downloaded 547 times
Presentation of E.Dmitrieff's talk "Bit graphs and convergence of divergent series"
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Presentation of E.Kiritsis' talk "Coleman de Luccia transitions, and their implications for Quantum Field Theories on De Sitter space"
(941.43 KiB) Downloaded 497 times
Presentation of I.Antoniadis' talk "The cosmological constant in supergravity and string theory"
(2.95 MiB) Downloaded 507 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
User avatar
Maxim Khlopov
Administrateur du site
Posts: 1958
Joined: Sat 9 Aug 2008 19:42
Location: Paris

Re: XXIV Bled Workshop Programme on 8 July

New postby alrivero on Thu 8 Jul 2021 15:42

Maxim Khlopov wrote:PROGRAM of the 24th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

16:00 – 17:30: Rabindra Mohapatra: B-L, The Next Symmetry of Nature I

17.30 – 19:00: N.S. Mankoč Borštnik: Understanding nature with the spin-charge-family theory III

19.00 – 20.30 Stanley J. Brodsky: Color Confinement, Supersymmetric Properties of Hadron Physics, and Novel Features of QCD from Light-Front Holography II

It is going to be a very group-theoretical afternoon 8-) I'd like to ask Brodsky or any in the team about the flavour group used to build the diquarks. It could escalate rapidly:

Simplest thing, SU(5), where 5= u,d,s,c,b, and build 5 x 5 = 15 + 10. Should the diquarks be in the 15 or in the 10?

Now, over this, speculations:
Next simplest thing, explicit color in the mix, SU(15) for 15=(uR uG uB dR dG dB sR sG sB....) and again symmetrization considerations to choose the diquark irreps.
Bolder thing, SO(30) instead of SU(15)
Boldest thing, if diquark is an open string and SO(30) can be used to classify them... could we find some extra ingredient to justify the use of SO(32) and see if superstring theory does indeed appear in some limit?

Thanks for the nice workshop

Alejandro Rivero
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XXIV Bled Workshop Programme on 9 July

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Thu 8 Jul 2021 21:06

PROGRAM of the 24th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Friday, 9th of July 2021

7:00 – 9:00 Morning private discussion section

Morning session:

Chair person: Astri Kleppe

Bled/Ljubljana 09:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:00 New Delhi 12:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:00 Tokyo 16:00 New York 21:00 San Francisco 00:00

09:00 – 10:30 Holger B. Nielsen, Masao Ninomiya: Bound States of Infinitely Many Constituents of Strings - Symmetry Considerations I
Part 1
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Part 2
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Part 3
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10.30 – 12.00 Andrea Addazi: Mirror Dark Matter searches in laboratory and in the sky
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12.00 – 13.00 Konstantin Stepanyantz: Ultraviolet divergences in supersymmetric theories regularized by higher derivatives II
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13.00 – 13.30 Boris Murygin: Soliton structures in the early Universe
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13.30 – 14.00 Elia Dmitrieff: Bit graphs and convergence of divergent series II
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Discussion on Dmitrieff's talk
Part 1
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Part 2
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Lunch break
15.15 -16.00 Ignatios Antoniadis: The cosmological constant in supergravity and string theory II

Afternoon session:
Chair person: Albino Hernández-Galeana
Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00

16:00 – 17:30: Rinku Maji: Grand Unification, Cosmic Strings, and Gravity Waves
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17.30 – 19:00: Sonja Kabana: Sexaquarks, the unexpected Dark Matter candidate
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19.00 – 20.30 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik: Understanding nature with the spin-charge-family theory IV
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21:00 Preparing program for next day
Presentation of talk by Sonja Kabana "Sexaquarks, the unexpected Dark Matter candidate"
(5.11 MiB) Downloaded 519 times
Presentation of talk by Rinku Maji "Grand Unification, Cosmic Strings, and Gravity Waves"
(1.58 MiB) Downloaded 561 times
Presentation of A.Addazi's talk "Mirror Dark Matter searches in laboratory and in the sky"
(2.25 MiB) Downloaded 550 times
Presentation of talk by H. B. Nielsen, M. Ninomiya "Bound States of Infinitely Many Constituents of Strings - Symmetry Considerations"
(637.05 KiB) Downloaded 497 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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XXIV Bled Workshop Programme on 10 July 2021

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Fri 9 Jul 2021 22:06

PROGRAM of the 24th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Saturday, 10th of July 2021

Zoom room is open for nonformal discussions all the day

18.00 – 19.30 Open discussion
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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