XXIII Bled Workshop"What comes beyond the Standard models?"

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XXIII Bled Workshop"What comes beyond the Standard models?"

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Fri 19 Jun 2020 23:11

XXIII Bled Workshop"What comes beyond the Standard models?" (4-12 July 2020)
will proceed fully online on the VIA platform.
Its programme will be continuously presented in relies to this post as well as information on each day of this nontrivial virtual meeting.
Stay tuned!
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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Programme of XXIII Bled Workshop

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Sat 4 Jul 2020 23:43

PROGRAM of the 23rd International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Monday, 6th of July 2020

7:00 – 9:00 Morning private discussion section

Morning session:

Chair person: Maxim Khlopov

09:00 – 09:30 Norma S. Mankoč Borštnik: Workshop opening of 23nd workshop

09:30 – 11: 00 Andrea Addazi, “What will we find at 100 TeV?“ 1 part

11.00 - 12.30 Norma S. Mankoč Borštnik: “How far has so far the Spin-Charge-Family theory succeeded to offer the explanation for the observed phenomena?'' 1 part

12.30 – 14.00 Nonformal discussions
Afternoon session:
Chair person: Norma Mankoc
16:00 – 17:30: Maxim Khlopov: “New trends in BSM physics and cosmology” 1 part

17.30 – 19:00: Igor Nikitin: “Numerical solution of Einstein field equations with Planck core boundary condition” 1 part

19.00 – 20.30 Holger Beck Fritz Nielsen, Masao Ninomiya. Novel String Field Theory and Unitarity, although in non-relativistic case (Fake Scattering, Hope for finiteness). Part 1

21:00 Preparing program for next day

PROGRAM of the 23rd International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Program for Tuesday, 7th of July 2020
7:00 – 9:00 Morning private discussion section:

Morning session:

Chair person: Andrea Addazi

Scientific debuts

9.00 – 09:30. Maxim Solovyov, The "Dark Disk" model in the light of DAMPE experiment

09.30 – 10.00. Konstantin Belotsky, Ekaterina Esipova, Dmitrii Kalashnikov, Andrei Letunov, Problems of the correspondence principle for recombination cross section in dark plasma
10:00 – 10.30. Konstantin Belotsky, Mohamed Mekhimar Elkasemy, Sergei Rubin, Investigation of neutrino cooling effect of primordial hot areas in dependence on its size
10.30 – 11.00. M.Khlopov, A.Kirichenko, A.Mayorov, Anihelium flux from antimatter globular cluster

11:00 – 12:30. Elias Kiritsis: Emergent gravity and the self-tuning of the cosmological constant.
12.30 – 13.30. Elia Dmitrieff: Clifford flat torus as preferred topology for the dynamic tessellation model based on inter-domain wall minimization

Afternoon session

Chair person: Maxim Khlopov

15:00 – 16:00: Norma S. Mankoč Borštnik: “How far has so far the Spin-Charge-Family theory succeeded to offer the explanation for the observed phenomena?'' Part 2 “Explanation of the Dirac’s second quantization postulats” (with Holger)

16:00 – 16:30. Igor Nikitin: “Numerical solution of Einstein field equations with Planck core boundary condition” 2 part

16.30 – 17.00 Andrea Addazi, “What will we find at 100 TeV?“ 2 part
17:00 -18:00 Dmitri Semikoz, 'Multi-messenger signal from Super-Heavy Dark Matter in neutrino and gamma-ray data’
18:00 -19:30 Holger Beck Fritz Nielsen, Masao Ninomiya. Novel String Field Theory and Unitarity, although in non-relativistic case (Fake Scattering, Hope for finiteness). Part 2

19:30 -20:00 Nonformal discussions

21:00 Preparing program for next day

PROGRAM of the 23rd International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Program for Wednesday, 8th of July 2020

7:00 – 9:00 Morning private discussion section:

Morning session:

Chair person: Igor Nikitin

9.00 – 10:30 Holger Beck Fritz Nielsen, - Dark Matter Macroscopic Pearls, 3.55 keV X-ray line, How big ?

Scientific debuts

10:30 – 11:00. T.Bikbaev, M.Khlopov, A.Mayorov, Numerical simulation of dark atom interaction with nuclei
11.00 – 11.30. Andrey Kurakin, Damping oscillations of a domain wall in the early Universe
11:30 – 12:00. Boris Murygin, The mechanism of domain walls and strings formation in the early Universe
12.00 – 12.30. Ekaterina Shlepkina, On possible asymmetry of DM induced gamma-radiation from M31
12.30-13.30. Norma S. Mankoč Borštnik: “How far has so far the Spin-Charge-Family theory succeeded to offer the explanation for the observed phenomena?'' Part 2 continued “Explanation of the Dirac’s second quantization postulats” (with Holger)

Afternoon session

Chair person: Holger Bech Nielsen

15.00 – 16.30: Ulrich Jentschura, Exact Symmetries of the Gravitationally Coupled Dirac Equation and Equivalence Principle for Antimatter: A Lagrangian Approach.

16.30 –18:00: Albino Hernandez-Galeana, Neutrino masses and mixing within a SU(3) family symmetry model with sterile neutrinos. Part 1

18:00 –19:00: Discussions matter-antimatter asymmetry in ordinary and dark matter

21:00- 22.00 Preparation of program with discussions

PROGRAM of the 23rd International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Program for Thursday, 9th of July 2020

6:00 – 9:00 Morning private discussion section:

Morning session:

Chair person: Dmitri Semikoz

9.00 - 10.00. Vitaly Beylin, On the reactions involving neutrinos and hidden mass particles in hypercolor model
10.00 – 11.00. Vladimir Kuksa, Main properties of new heavy hadrons and the luminosity of hadronic dark matter

11:00 – 12:30. Antonino Marciano, Gravitational footprints of massive neutrinos and lepton number breaking

12.30 – 13.30. Discussions matter-antimatter asymmetry in ordinary and dark matter (Norma Mankoc Bostnik, Maxim Khlopov, Holger Beck Nielsen, you all are welcome to participate in this discussions)

Afternoon session

Chair person: Antonino Marciano

15:00 – 16:30: Ulrich Jentschura, Lorentz Violation in the Neutrino Sector: New Stringent Contraints due to Additional Decay Channels Squeeze the Parameter Space.

16:30 –17:00: Albino Hernandez-Galeana, Neutrino masses and mixing within a SU(3) family symmetry model with sterile neutrinos. Part 2

17:00 – 18:30. Discussion of family problem (Norma Mankoc Bostnik, Albino Hernandez-Galeana, …)

21:00- 22.00 Preparation of program with discussions

PROGRAM of the 23rd International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Program for Friday, 10th of July 2020

Morning session:
Chair Person: Ekaterina Shlepkina

9.00 – 10.00 Vincenzo Caracciolo for DAMA collaboration, The DAMA project: achievements, implications and perspectives part 1
10.00 - 11.00. Discussion on Dark Matter (Norma Mankoc Borstnik, Maxim Khlopov, Holger Bech Nielsen, …)

11:00 – 12:00 Vincenzo Caracciolo for DAMA collaboration, The DAMA project: achievements, implications and perspectives part2

12:00-13:00 Valery Nikulin, Formation of conserved charges at the de Sitter space

13:00 - 14:00: Discussion on Dark Matter (Norma Mankoc Borstnik, Maxim Khlopov, Holger Bech Nielsen, …)

Afternoon session

Scientific debuts
Chair person: Valery Nikulin

15.00 – 15.30. Alexander Kirillov, Viktor Stasenko, The dynamical evolution of primordial black holes clusters
15.30 – 16.00. Polina Petryakova A.A. Popov, S. G. Rubin, Sub Planckian evolution of the Universe
16:00 - 16:30. Alexander Gorin, Prospects in search for the origin of neutrino mass and their impact on oscillation picture
16.30 – 17.00. Airat Kamaletdinov, Possible FSR suppression in DM decay through triangle loop

Concluding session

Chair person: Albino Hernandez-Galeana

17:00-17:40 Holger Bech Nielsen: How far…
17:40 –18:20 Norma S. Mankoč Borštnik: “How far has so far the Spin-Charge-Family theory succeeded to offer the explanation for the observed phenomena?'' Matter-antimatter, dark matter,..) Part 3
18.20 – 19.00 Maxim Khlopov: “New trends in BSM physics and cosmology” Part 2
19.00 – 19.30. Concluding discussions and Closure of Workshop
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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XXIII Bled Workshop Programme of 6th of July

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Sun 5 Jul 2020 22:16

PROGRAM of the 23rd International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Monday, 6th of July 2020

7:00 – 9:00 Morning private discussion section

Morning session:

Chair person: Maxim Khlopov

09:00 – 09:30 Norma S. Mankoč Borštnik: Workshop opening of 23nd workshop

09:30 – 11: 00 Andrea Addazi, “What will we find at 100 TeV?“ 1 part

The following comments and questions were put during this talk:
Holger: You have these enormous amount of disturbance from hairons how do we avoid a heating up. You may have explained but it sounds strange how to avoid disturbance to come through to be observed
Holger: Do the DAMA people accept that they can be so much mistaken?
Holger: Would there be mirror matter stars and would they function as big dark matter clumps and would they be excluded by the gravitational lens effect?
Holger: Is there any good arguments for SUSY left when you give up naturalness and you give up Dark matter miracle ?
Holger: Dark matter has to be cold meaning slow, then I suppose it will not make great showers so it would not look so much like Cosmic ray?

11.00 - 12.30 Norma S. Mankoč Borštnik: “How far has so far the Spin-Charge-Family theory succeeded to offer the explanation for the observed phenomena?'' 1 part

The following questions and comments were made during this talk:

Holger: What meant this question: What is matter and what is antimatter?
Holger: we have of course observed antimatter but there is the asymmetry probably due to Sakharovs type of causing as
Elia Dmitrieff: a and b runs from 0 to 14 excepting 4 so there are 14 constant gamma matrices isn't it symmetry
Holger: Is there a printing mistake in lowest line
Holger: How did you get 64? do you count the spin too?
Holger . Nielsen: Is it not so that it is very difficult to have a model with inverse hiearchy . It would also be not analogous to the chared hierarchies
Andrea Addazi: yes usually it is more common the normal hierarchy if starting from GUT models

12.30 – 14.00. Nonformal discussions

Afternoon session:
Chair person: Norma Mankoc
16:00 – 17:30: Maxim Khlopov: “New trends in BSM physics and cosmology” 1 part

The following comments and questions were put
Norma: Nonbaryonic is indeed non known baryonik dark matter
Holger: Yes, baryonic dark matter does not work unless you by essentially new physics compress it to be very concentrated.
Norma: If you say SM symmetry it should not mean that we mean three families, nonstandard partner neutrino of quarks and leptons,..
Holger: How seldom should the charge -1 be not to be seen?
Norma: Why not your He would not be ionized like H is
Holger: Concerning too strong bounds on gamma ray to cope with positron it may indicate the positrons are accelerated slowly
Norma: What does your primordial region of time mean at all

17.30 – 19:00: Igor Nikitin: “Numerical solution of Einstein field equations with Planck core boundary” 1 part

19.00 – 20.30 Holger Beck Fritz Nielsen, Masao Ninomiya. Novel String Field Theory and Unitarity, although in non-relativistic case (Fake Scattering, Hope for finiteness). Part 1

21:00 Preparing program for next day
Bled talk 2020.pdf
Presentation of M.Khlopov's talk
(4.16 MiB) Downloaded 540 times
Presentation of Norma Mankoc Borstnik
(1.4 MiB) Downloaded 556 times
Presentation of the talk by Holger B. Nielsen
(504.58 KiB) Downloaded 540 times
Presentation of the talk by Igor Nikitin
(1.72 MiB) Downloaded 534 times
Presentation of talk by Andrea Addazi
(7.19 MiB) Downloaded 526 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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XXIII Bled Workshop programme for 07.07.2020

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Mon 6 Jul 2020 23:46

PROGRAM of the 23rd International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Program for Tuesday, 7th of July 2020

7:00 – 9:00 Morning private discussion section:

Morning session:

Chair person: Andrea Addazi

Scientific debuts

9.00 – 09:30. Maxim Solovyov, The "Dark Disk" model in the light of DAMPE experiment

09.30 – 10.00. Konstantin Belotsky, Ekaterina Esipova, Dmitrii Kalashnikov, Andrei Letunov, Problems of the correspondence principle for recombination cross section in dark plasma

10:00 – 10.30. Konstantin Belotsky, Mohamed Mekhimar Elkasemy, Sergei Rubin, Investigation of neutrino cooling effect of primordial hot areas in dependence on its size

10.30 – 11.00. M.Khlopov, A.Kirichenko, A.Mayorov, Anihelium flux from antimatter globular cluster

11:00 – 12:30. Elias Kiritsis: Emergent gravity and the self-tuning of the cosmological constant.

12.30 – 13.30. Elia Dmitrieff: Clifford flat torus as preferred topology for the dynamic tessellation model based on inter-domain wall minimization

The following questions and comments were made during this talk
astri k guest: Is it the number of bifurcations, or how do u get it?
Holger: How did you get the number of domains?

Afternoon session

Chair person: Maxim Khlopov
15:00 – 16:00: Norma S. Mankoč Borštnik: “How far has so far the Spin-Charge-Family theory succeeded to offer the explanation for the observed phenomena?'' Part 2 “Explanation of the Dirac’s second quantization postulats” (with Holger)

16:00 – 16:30. Igor Nikitin: “Numerical solution of Einstein field equations with Planck core boundary condition” 2 part

16.30 – 17.00 Andrea Addazi, “What will we find at 100 TeV?“ 2 part

17:00 -18:00 Dmitri Semikoz, 'Multi-messenger signal from Super-Heavy Dark Matter in neutrino and gamma-ray data’
part 1

part 2

18:00 -19:30 Holger Beck Fritz Nielsen, Masao Ninomiya. Novel String Field Theory and Unitarity, although in non-relativistic case (Fake Scattering, Hope for finiteness). Part 2

The following questions and comments were made:
astri k guest: you say particles - you mean objects?
astri k guest: so u sneak in your dynamics via your fantasy successor functions - I wonder - what makes the f's operate ...
astri k guest: but they push the objects around?

19:30 -20:00 Nonformal discussions

21:00 Preparing program for next day
Investigation of neutrino cooling effect of primordial hot areas in dependence on its_size.pdf
Presentation of talk by Mohamed Elkasemy
(339.16 KiB) Downloaded 569 times
Presentation of talk by D.Semikoz
(17.88 MiB) Downloaded 489 times
Presentation of Elias Kiritsis' talk
(463.16 KiB) Downloaded 520 times
Presentation of talk by Elia Dmitrieff
(437.7 KiB) Downloaded 564 times
Prsentation of talk by A.Kirichenko
(1.47 MiB) Downloaded 509 times
The Dark Disk model in the light of DAMPE experiment.pdf
Presentation of M.Solovyov's talk
(77.4 KiB) Downloaded 498 times
Presentation of the talk by A.Letunov
(434.5 KiB) Downloaded 523 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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XXIII Bled Workshop Programme of 8th of July

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Tue 7 Jul 2020 23:11

PROGRAM of the 23rd International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Program for Wednesday, 8th of July 2020

7:00 – 9:00 Morning private discussion section:

Morning session:

Chair person: Igor Nikitin

9.00 – 10:30 Holger Beck Fritz Nielsen, - Dark Matter Macroscopic Pearls, 3.55 keV X-ray line, How big ?

The following comments and questions were put during this talk:

Elia Dmitrieff: (comment) The ordinal matter inside can be also mirrored (with all neutrinos right-handed and so on) So the skin would be the S2 (spheric) defect surface between two optical isomers of vacuum, and it should be new kind of vacuum indeed.
Elia Dmitrieff: In conditions of big bang when the walls would be everyehere they supposed to form not only the balls with positive Gaussian curvature but also with zero curvature with no pressure and even negative curved surfaces that are repulsive, isn't it?

Scientific debuts

10:30 – 11:00. T.Bikbaev, M.Khlopov, A.Mayorov, Numerical simulation of dark atom interaction with nuclei

11.00 – 11.30. Andrey Kurakin, Damping oscillations of a domain wall in the early Universe

11:30 – 12:00. Boris Murygin, The mechanism of domain walls and strings formation in the early Universe

12.00 – 12.30. Ekaterina Shlepkina, On possible asymmetry of DM induced gamma-radiation from M31

12.30-13.30. Norma S. Mankoč Borštnik: “How far has so far the Spin-Charge-Family theory succeeded to offer the explanation for the observed phenomena?'' Part 2 continued “Explanation of the Dirac’s second quantization postulats” (with Holger)

Afternoon session

Chair person: Holger Bech Nielsen

15.00 – 16.30: Ulrich Jentschura, Exact Symmetries of the Gravitationally Coupled Dirac Equation and Equivalence Principle for Antimatter: A Lagrangian Approach.

16.30 –18:00: Albino Hernandez-Galeana, Neutrino masses and mixing within a SU(3) family symmetry model with sterile neutrinos. Part 1

18:00 –19:00: Discussions matter-antimatter asymmetry in ordinary and dark matter

21:00- 22.00 Preparation of program with discussions
Presentation of Ulrich's talk
(1.62 MiB) Downloaded 514 times
Presentation of the talk by B.Mugyrov
(816.15 KiB) Downloaded 554 times
Presentation of talk by E.Shlepkina
(1.43 MiB) Downloaded 532 times
Presntation of talk by A.Kurakin
(1.02 MiB) Downloaded 515 times
Presentation of talk by Holger on Dark Matter
(2.35 MiB) Downloaded 521 times
Presentation of talk by Albino
(299.18 KiB) Downloaded 559 times
Bikbaev's talk.pdf
Presentation of talk by T.Bikbaev
(920.23 KiB) Downloaded 528 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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XXIII Bled Workshop Programme for 9 July 2020

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Wed 8 Jul 2020 21:22

PROGRAM of the 23rd International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Program for Thursday, 9th of July 2020

Morning session:

Chair person: Dmitri Semikoz

9.00 - 10.00. Vitaly Beylin, On the reactions involving neutrinos and hidden mass particles in hypercolor model

The following questions and comments were made during this talk
Holger: What if any is the quantum number conservation that keeps you dark matter particles stable?
Holger: Why do your cross sections go down to zero for high energy of say your proton?
Holger: Yes differential cross section is not like total cross section
Norma: You have two three families = the ordinary and the additional-dark.
Norma: You have two three families = the ordinary and the additional-dark.
Norma: They distinguish in Higgses, while the colour, weak and U(1) is the same.
Norma: The dark matter is not very massive, at least not the last one
Holger: These arguments for looking for neutrinos would be valid almost whatever your dark matter model might be.
Norma: But they have to interact through what?
Norma: You need that they interact and they interact through electroweak
Norma: Your dark particles get masses through their own Higgses -sigmas?
Norma: How many parameter so you need?

10.00 – 11.00. Vladimir Kuksa, Main properties of new heavy hadrons and the luminosity of hadronic dark matter

The following questions and comments were made
Norma: You have Q_s, U,D Is Q left and right?
Holger: Remind us what is ZE effect
Norma: Mistake: I meant two right two right
Holger: Would so strong interactions keep the dark matter sufficiently dark to cope with the gravitational force knowledge about the distribution of DM in galaxy ?
Konstantin B.: This is a comment: I would like also to pay attention to our work https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.04735 , where some constraints imposed from large scale structure (Fig.12, Eq.18 there).
Holger: What was your limits to your model from the non observation so far in sat LUX experiment

11:00 – 13:30. Antonino Marciano, Gravitational footprints of massive neutrinos and lepton number breaking

The following questions were put and comment made
Holger: How strongly can you find neutron stars vibrating ?
Holger: what means SKA?
Norma: Antonino, I shall be glad if you go through my spin-charge-family theory, which offers not only the explanation for the standard model s physics (HEP and cosmology) but offers also new fields and particles (dark matter, matter-antimatter asymmetry,..)
Holger 2: What is the symbol for the Majoron here?
Andrea Addazi: sigma

Afternoon session

Chair person: Antonino Marciano

15:00 – 16:30: Ulrich Jentschura, Lorentz Violation in the Neutrino Sector: New Stringent Contraints due to Additional Decay Channels Squeeze the Parameter Space.

The following question was put during this talk:
Holger: Is there similar but less stringent limits for other Lorentz breaking attempts?

16:30 –17:00: Albino Hernandez-Galeana, Neutrino masses and mixing within a SU(3) family symmetry model with sterile neutrinos. Part 2

17:00 – 18:30. Discussion of family problem (Norma Mankoc Bostnik, Albino Hernandez-Galeana, …)
Norma presented her explanation for the origin of families.

The following questions and comments were put:

Holger: How much do you improve you fit relative to the hypothesis that there are only three families and all mixing to the fourth thus zero?
Albino Hernandez: what about neutrinos in your approach?
Holger: So then you lost the in Standard Model natural way of glint light left neutrinos

21:00- 22.00 Preparation of program with discussions
Presentation of second talk by Ulrich
(287.51 KiB) Downloaded 541 times
Discussion of matter-antimatter asymmetry by H.Nielsen
(63.46 KiB) Downloaded 519 times
BledConf2020KuksaBeylin Properties of Hadronic Dark Matter.pdf
presentation of talk by V.Kuksa
(877.48 KiB) Downloaded 537 times
XXIII Bled Workshop.pdf
Presentation of the talk by A. Marciano
(29.58 MiB) Downloaded 512 times
Presentation of the talk by V.Beylin
(1.22 MiB) Downloaded 524 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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Presentation by Zhi-zhong Xing for XXIII Bled Workshop

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Thu 9 Jul 2020 16:42

On technical reasons Zhi-zhong Xing could not give hos online talk, but he provided us his presentation and promissed to reflect it in Proceedings and special issues related with our Workshop
Presentation of Zhi-zhong Xing prepared for XXIII Bled Workshop
(1.85 MiB) Downloaded 520 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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XXIII Bled Workshop Programme of 10th of July 2020

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Thu 9 Jul 2020 22:09

PROGRAM of the 23rd International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Program for Friday, 10th of July 2020

Morning session:
Chair Person: Ekaterina Shlepkina

9.00 – 10.00 Vincenzo Caracciolo for DAMA collaboration, The DAMA project: achievements, implications and perspectives part 1
10.00 - 11.00. Vincenzo Caracciolo for DAMA collaboration, The DAMA project: achievements, implications and perspectives part2

11:00 – 12:00 Discussion on Dark Matter (Norma Mankoc Borstnik, Maxim Khlopov, Holger Bech Nielsen, …)

The following somment was made

Norma: Comment: The fact, that you do not have signals above 6 KeV does not mean that dark matter particles are not very heavy so that you register elastic scattering
12:00-13:00 Valery Nikulin, Formation of conserved charges at the de Sitter space

13:00 - 14:00: Discussion on Dark Matter (Norma Mankoc Borstnik, Maxim Khlopov, Holger Bech Nielsen, …)
part 1

part 2

Afternoon session

Scientific debuts
Chair person: Valery Nikulin

15.00 – 15.30. Alexander Kirillov, Viktor Stasenko, The dynamical evolution of primordial black holes clusters

15.30 – 16.00. Polina Petryakova A.A. Popov, S. G. Rubin, Sub Planckian evolution of the Universe

The following questions were put
Elia Dmitrieff: Do you consider internal degrees of freedom and looped dimensions aa the same things?

Elia Dmitrieff: what is the internal degrees of freedom then?
16:00 - 16:30. Alexander Gorin, Prospects in search for the origin of neutrino mass and their impact on oscillation picture

16.30 – 17.00. Airat Kamaletdinov, Possible FSR suppression in DM decay through triangle loop

Concluding session

Chair person: Albino Hernandez-Galeana

17:00-17:40 Holger Bech Nielsen: How far…

17:40 –18:20 Norma S. Mankoč Borštnik: “How far has so far the Spin-Charge-Family theory succeeded to offer the explanation for the observed phenomena?'' Matter-antimatter, dark matter,..) Part 3

The following comment was made during this talk:
Elia Dmitrieff: Where the tau33=1/2, tau38=1/2sqr3 values come from? In my case, the particle with Q=-4/3 must be colorless, despite of fractional charge, so it would not turn positron to down quark.
Elia Dmitrieff: So it must be singlet

18.20 – 19.00 Maxim Khlopov: “New trends in BSM physics and cosmology” Part 2
19.00 – 19.30. Concluding discussions and Closure of Workshop
Formation of conserved charges at the de Sitter space (Nikulin V.V.).pdf
Presentation of talk by V.Nikulin
(1.18 MiB) Downloaded 562 times
Presentation of Holger's "How far..."
(2.45 MiB) Downloaded 470 times
Presentation of talk by A.Gorin
(57.5 KiB) Downloaded 525 times
Presentation of talk by P.Petriakova
(278.84 KiB) Downloaded 499 times
bled_presentation Stasenko.pdf
Presentation of talk by V.Stasenko
(704.81 KiB) Downloaded 519 times
Bled. Presentation. Kamaletdinov.pdf
Presentation of talk by Airat
(1.78 MiB) Downloaded 526 times
Presentation of talk by DAMA collaboration
(12.22 MiB) Downloaded 536 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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Posts: 1987
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Physics special issue for XXIII Bled Workshop

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Mon 13 Jul 2020 09:56

Dear Colleagues,
In addition to the Workshop Proceedings to be published in "Bled Workshops in Physics" the paticipants of Workshop have the privilege to publish free of charge (if accepted) their paper in the special issue of "Physics"
We look forward to your submissions
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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Posts: 1987
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