Records of seminars

Moderators: Maxim Khlopov, Konstantin Belotsky

Records of seminars

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Thu 27 Jun 2019 12:24

The record of seminar of 22.06.2019

The record of seminar of 29.06.2019

The record of seminar of 06.07.2019

Seminar of 27/07/2019 was devoted to information on publications based on presentation of Bled Workshop.
Good news: all distant participants of Bled Workshop
can submit their contribution to Bled Proceedings following the instructions,
send by Dragan Luckman. You can also keep the same content but change the text
(to avoid repeating rate) and publish for free in the special issue of "Particles".
I need the list of these papers to support their free publication.
Page limit 10-15 pages - each work - for Bled Workshop proceedings
deadline November
Special issue "Particles" Deadline for manuscript submissions: 29 February 2020
Information of submission is on the website of this journal

The record of seminar of 19.10.2019

The record of seminar of 26.10.2019

The record of seminar of 02.11.2019

The record of seminar of 09.11.2019

The record of seminar of 23.11.2019
Part 1

Part 2

The record of seminar of 07.12.2019

The record of seminar of 14.12.2019

The record of seminar of 18.01.2020

The record of seminar of 25.01.2020

The record of seminar of 01.02.2020

The record of seminar of 15.02.2020

The record of seminar of 22.02.2020

The record of seminar of 07.03.2020

Presence of non-Russian speaking participants made us to proceed in English

The following questions were put in Discussion

O.M. Lecian 2: You were mentioning the upper limit to the particle for the charges; what is the lower limit or how to put it to zero? Is it possible to discriminata zero-charge-particles, multi-charges particles and charges of particles in LHAASO experiment? can it be seen form any cross-section? in which part of the detectors? What are the improvements and or advantages of LHAASO experiment with respect to LHC?

O.M. Lecian 2: so this is not only a problem of resolution, but also about multiple-charges particles properties?

O.M. Lecian 2: indeed there is a lot of Literature which is only about speculations, but without analytic considerations...

The record of seminar of 14.03.2020

The following announcement were made
For participants of XXII Bled Workshop invitation to publish free of charge in the Symmetry special issue is possible
Similar invitation is possible in Galaxies Special Issue: Galaxies observation and theoretical features:

The record of seminar of 21.03.2020

Presentation by Orchidea Maria Lecian is attached.

The record of seminar of 28.03.2020

Orchidea Maria Lecian has proposed some texts of possible research projects, which are attached
These texts cause some questions, which I stipulate in the reply to this post.
I invite to continue discussion of these projects in replies to my post reply

The record of seminar of 04.04.2020

I have the following comment to the problem of neutrino cooling of hot separated region, presented by Muhamed:
Radiation dominated plasma within such region can expand owing to radiative pressure and cool down and such gas dynamic cooling should be compared with neutrino cooling, which Muhamed considers.

The record of seminar of 11.04.2020

The record of seminar of 25.04.2020

K.Belotsky has drawn attention to the growing interest to PBHs and in particular, to arguments for PBH clustering and papers
The following questions were put
O.M. Lecian: because of the temperatures considered, is it possible to calculate the number of such objects?
Is it possible to calculate it by means of Fourier transform of their ( different) features?
i.e. by sampling the different values of the characteristical properties?
of the properties of the components that we need to measure?

The record of seminar of 09.05.2020

In the course of discussion O.M.Lecian asked:

O.M. Lecian: Is there any paper You prefer for the data analysis, or in the case there is any paper You suppose the results are better presented, or in the case there is any phenomenon which is more outlined?

The record of seminar of 16.05.2020

In the course of discussion the following questions were put forward

O.M. Lecian: about the Pamela experiment, You were mentioning several effects, but about which precise observations are You connecting to as far the reactions You are discussing?
O.M. Lecian: between all the mentioned objects, on which are You concentrating for the purposes?
O.M. Lecian: what are the proposed objects for this critical density?

The record of seminar of 30.05.2020

The record of seminar of 06.06.2020

Presentation by O.M.Lecian on fractons is in the reply to this post

The record of seminar of 13.06.2020

In the course of presentation by A.Kirichenko O.M.Lecian has put question
How are probed in searches for cosmic antihelium fluxes the parameters of inflationary model and baryosynthesis?
This question deserves further discussion. The immediate answer is as follows:
Antihelium flux, accessible to AMS02, experiment cannot be created by natural astrophysical sources and implies existence of antimatter stars in our Galaxy. It immediately reduces the class of inflationary modles with baryosynthesis to those, which can provide creation of antimatter domain of surviving size together with the general baryon asymmetry of the Universe. Therefore, if antihelium events in AMS02 are confirmed, it will immediatelly put very severe constraints on parameters of very early Universe, mechanisms of inflation and baryosynthesis, since a very specific combination of inflation and nonhomogeneous baryosynthesis is needed to explain appearance of such an antimatter domain in baryon asymmetrical Unvierse. Of course, the fact of antihelium signal should be accompanied by search for and/or constraints on heavier antinuclei. It may give more refined information on the corresponding mechanisms of inflation and baryosynthesis.

The record of seminar of 20.06.2020

The following questions were put:
yakefu: What is the way of thsese fractionally charged particles combined into integer charged particle? Are they have similarity as quark confinement as in QCD?
yakefu: Thanks. is there experimental bounds on these particle production?
Alex_Gorin: What are all possible fractional charges, are they form some kind of algebraic structure?

The record of seminar of 27.06.2020

The following question was put forward
O.M. Lecian: as from Your slides, is there any data on cosmic ray antinuclei?

The record of seminar of 18.07.2020

The presentation by Arnab Chaudhuri is attached
The following question was put forward
O.M. Lecian: what kinds of study of the Hubble paradox are You preparing?
The question of evolution time scale for the gravitationally bound system of massive particles was briefly discussed in which M.Yu.Khlopov has drawn attention to collective effects in such evolution, discussed in the paper V.G.Gurzadian and G.K.Savvidi, Astrophys.J. 160, 203 1986

The record of seminar of 08.08.2020

The record of seminar of 12.09.2020

The record of seminar of 19.09.2020

The record of seminar of 10.10.2020

The record of seminar of 17.10.2020

The record of seminar of 31.10.2020

The record of seminar of 07.11.2020
K.Zatrimaylov has resented results of his recent work. His presentation is attached. The following questions were put and comments made:
O.M. Lecian: may I ask a question: do You get any further functional dependence of r_0 on the features of the Galaxy? Do you get any functional dependence form the fitting or only after analysis?
Kirill: Gravitational lens effects were considered in H. Hoekstra, H. K. C. Yee and M. D. Gladders, Astrophys. J. 606(2004)
Yu.N.Eroshenko made the following comments about effects of strong localized nonhomogeneities in 21cm data.
1. Необходимо, чтобы температура газа была ниже температуры CMB.Поглощение происходит в тех областях, где проекция скорости газа на луч зрения равна нулю.
2. Скважность важна для того, чтобы эти объекты были редки. Иначе они нарушат имеющиеся ограничения.
3. Это редкие объекты. В локальной Вселенной их не видят. Также есть ограничения на ПЧД, которые у нас являются затравками образования этих объектов. Допустимая доля ПЧД в составе темной материи 10^-5 или меньше. Это следует из общих ограничений на ПЧД с массой 10^9 масс Солнца, приводимых в обзорах Б,Карра. Мы берем максиально возможное количество.
4. Вокруг ПЧД возникнут кольца поглощения на расстоянии в несколько десятков кпк.
5. Затравкой могут быть не только ПЧД, но и скопления мелких ПЧД или плотные гало темной материи.
6. Неоднородность нужна для того, чтобы локально остановилось космологическое расширение. Поглощение происходит даже в однородной расширяющейся Вселенной. Но там, где скорость расширения меньше линия поглощения углубляется.
7. Да, в этом идея эффекта. Кроме того, на периферии объектов складываются благопритяные условия для определенной населенности уровней водорода, связанной со столкновениями атомов. Это тоже усиливает поглощение. По поглощению 21 см наблюдать сложно, в сравнении с эмиссией. Но поглощение будет работать в эпоху Темных веков. Это еще один канал наблюдений. Можно искать корреляции с другими сигналами.
8. EDGES объяснить не получится, т.к. это редкие объекты. Да, дополнительное охлаждение барионов могло бы объяснить EDGES, но не механизмов охлаждения. Миллизаряженная темная материя - один и возможных вариатов.

The record of seminar of 21.11.2020
will appear soon
The criticism of MOND was presented in a paper by Kirill Zatrimaylov, which caused the following discussion
O.M. Lecian: about arXiv:2003.10410, can I ask the reasons why the Calogero-kynetic-terms-models are not discussed?
O.M. Lecian: which are not fractional but higher-power
O.M. Lecian: pag. 6 of the online version of the manuscript
O.M. Lecian: Thank You in advance for the transcirption
Kirill: You mean, one could obtain MOND from Calogero kinetic terms? Could you give me a link to that?
O.M. Lecian: I have not studied any paper about MOND theories and Calogero-like models; nevertheless, such theories are formally however possible
O.M. Lecian: it is Maths
O.M. Lecian: i.e. Lagrangeans with powers in the Kynetic terms of the Lagrangean are studied
O.M. Lecian: it can be applied to the models studied by K.Z.
O.M. Lecian: yes, You are
O.M. Lecian: my question is rather formal
O.M. Lecian: but the non-tricial Calogero-like Lagrangians can be applied to the MOND studies by K.Z.
Kirill: k-essence theories
O.M. Lecian: cannot MOND theories be reconducted to the Calogero models through appropriate choices of the parameters
O.M. Lecian: and of the parameter-space?
O.M. Lecian: parameter space of (mass, power of the kynetic term)
O.M. Lecian: where the mass parameter is not the actual mass, due to the presence of the non-trivial power
O.M. Lecian: because the dependence is continuous
Presentation of work by K.Zatrimaylov
(2.9 MiB) Downloaded 554 times
Presentation by Arnab Chaudhuri
(753.63 KiB) Downloaded 582 times
Presentation by O.M.Lecian on fractons
(397.54 KiB) Downloaded 575 times
Project on macroscopic antimatter by O.M.Lecian
(186.44 KiB) Downloaded 601 times
LHAASOFurther Referencesa2.pdf
Some further discussion of her LHAASO project
(52 KiB) Downloaded 597 times
pdf of presentation by O.M.Lecian
(339.8 KiB) Downloaded 610 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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O.M.Lecian's projects

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Sat 28 Mar 2020 16:17

Here I stipulate main questions to these projects:
1. What is the relationship of WIMP scattering on nuclei (the used formulae are appropriate for nonrelativistic particles) and its extension in relativistic case? What is the source of these relativistic particles? Which model of interaction is used in relativistic case?
2. The AD approach to generation antimatter domains is very interesting, but needs more details and estimations. Some comments and question of mine are in the attached file
You are welcome to continue discussion in replies to this post-reply
MK comments to the AD research project
(190.74 KiB) Downloaded 622 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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O.M.Lecian's answers

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Tue 31 Mar 2020 18:57

1. What is the relationship of WIMP scattering on nuclei (the used formulae are appropriate for nonrelativistic particles) and its extension in relativistic case?
What is the source of these relativistic particles?
Which model of interaction is used in relativistic case?
The formulae used are calculated (as a generalization) from the definition of relativistic energy (which contains the relativistic velocity), and the limit to the non-relativistic case is well-defined.
The possible sources of relativistic particles, as discussed for the LHAASO experiment, can be of galactical orgin; the formulae used also suite the definition of the decay products from particle interactions (and their low-energy limit).
The model interaction is the standard particle-particle interaction or decay (KLSZ states) as in QFT. It applies to any particle interaction or decay product.
The WIMP scattering on nuclei depends on the model of WIMP used, and on the nuclei in the target of the detector. As from the (further references file Ref. 5 and Ref. 6), it applies also to granulous targets in the detector.

I would be grateful to You if You could specify whether further WIMP's models are needed be discussed, as from Your questions; indeed, the formlae for the energy differential is well defined in any case. I can send a more detailed .pdf file with further references.
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Questions to O.M.Lecian

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Tue 31 Mar 2020 19:04

Dear Orchidea Maria,
I hope now your problem of login to Forum will be solved and we can directly discuss my questions.
More detailed answers would be useful.
Do I understand correctly that you assume some source of cosmic relativistic WIMPs (from decays or annihilation of dark matter, as well as from astrophysical sources) and then study effect of recoil in underground detectors?
With the best regards
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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Re: Records of seminars

New postby Anastasia_Kirichenko on Fri 29 May 2020 09:35

Здравствуйте, запись с последнего научного семинара не работает, я бы хотела посмотреть, но не могу.
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Re: Records of seminars

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Fri 29 May 2020 13:39

Dear Anastasia,
Which date of seminar do you mean?
I also answer yo by e-mail
With the best regards
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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Re: Records of seminars

New postby Anastasia_Kirichenko on Fri 29 May 2020 14:08

запись 9.05. не воспроизводится.
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Re: Records of seminars

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Fri 29 May 2020 15:33

Try, as I rcommend you in e-mail
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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O.M.Lecian on fractons

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Sat 6 Jun 2020 16:37

O.M.Lecian presented at seminar of 06.06.2020 a review of theoretical predictions of fractionally charged particles in particle theory. The presentation is attached.
The main question for further discussion is: what are the conditions to predict fractionally charged leptons and is it possible to predict charges different from 2/3 and 1/3?
O.M.Lecian's bibliographic review on fractons
(98.65 KiB) Downloaded 607 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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Re: Records of seminars

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Sat 20 Jun 2020 14:33

O.M.Lecian has clarified the origin of fractionally charged particles in particle models in her talk on 20.06.2020 (see the attached presentation)
pdf of presentation on models with exotic fractional charge
(98.21 KiB) Downloaded 623 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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