27 december Admission to exam

Moderators: Maxim Khlopov, Konstantin Belotsky

27 december Admission to exam

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Sat 22 Dec 2018 14:18

On 27 December 10:15 — 11:50 MT we have VIA conference for admission for exam. To take part in the admission procedure referat should be presented before this date and pass my review. After my authorization you should prepare slides for a 5 minutes presentation of your referat (ppt or pdf). The slides should contain:
-physics of your model
-list of its cosmologically significant predictions
- physics of inflation, baryosynthesis and dark matter in your model, or assumptions on the results of inflation and baryosynthesis in your scenario
- main features of your cosmological scenario
-conclusions on whether your scenario is realistic
To enter VIA please go to the VIA site
Rooms - Infinite Room 2 - Enter as Guest - print your name
I hope to see you all at the admission meeting
With the est regards
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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