18 Bled Workshop "What comes beyond SM?"

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18 Bled Workshop "What comes beyond SM?"

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Thu 25 Jun 2015 13:36

The second announcement of the eighteenth workshop "What Comes Beyond the Standard Models?"

Organizing Committee:

Norma (norma.mankoc@fmf.uni-lj.si)

Holger (hbech@nbi.dk)

Maxim (khlopov@apc.univ-paris7.fr)

Scientific Committee: John Ellis (CERN), David Gross (KITP), Roman

Jackiw (MIT)

Dear colleague,

This letter is the second announcement of the eighteenth workshop

(18th) entitled "What Comes Beyond the Standard Models?" which

will take place at Bled, Slovenia, from 11th of July 2015 (arrival

day, afternoon) to 19th of July 2015 (departure day, morning). There

is a real possibility that the participants come earlier in Ljubljana,

and stay few days longer at Bled.


If you are planning to come but have not already informed the

organizers, please do so soon, also stating details of you arrival

and stay at Bled. It would greatly facilitate workshop



This call will also be soon available at the following URL:


This page contains links to maps of Bled etc. and will be updated

with later calls (there will be two more calls, one in May and one

in June).

The following links might be of interest:

- the links to workshop pages for previous years can be found at


- home page of the previous 2014 workshop can be found at


containing workshop announcements and presentations of most

talks, as well as the pdf of the printed workshop Proceedings

for 2014, which is also available as index submission

http://arXiv.org/abs/1502.06786 (for previous years workshops

can be found on analogous URLs -just substitute year for 2014

in the above address)

- home page of Cosmovia, http://www.cosmovia.org/ , which hosts

video conferences at our (and many other) conferences for the

last several years, courtesy of Prof. Maxim Yu. Khlopov (on

the cosmovia home page click 'enter', then go to the link for

older conferences).

Web conferences using VIA system are planned during the Workshop

at Bled, as was the case for the previous five years (you can see

the videos, as well as the Proceedings, at http://www.cosmovia.org

-- click 'enter the site' on the main page, click the link 'previous',

select 'conferences' and then select one of the Bled workshops).

We expect several contributions at distance with the use of VIA system.


Our workshop is organized for the purpose of answering the open

questions in the standard model of the electroweak and colour

interactions,and the cosmological standard model, like:

o What is the most promising first step beyond the standard model,

explaining and possibly justifying the assumptions of the standard

model about:

* the origin of massless family members with their spin and charges,

* the origin of families,

* the origin of massless vector gauge fields,

* the origin of the Higgs's scalar and Yukawa couplings,

* the origin of dark matter,

* the origin of dark energy,

* the origin of ordinary matter-antimatter asymmetry

* the origin of differences in masses of family members

o What does the complex action bring into the understanding of

the properties of our universe?

o What can we learn from the model in which all fermions have come by

fermionization from original bosons?

o There are several proposals in the literature, which are trying to

explain the assumptions of the standard model.

* How much have different proposals in common?

* How many of the open questions of the standard model does a

particular proposal answer?

o How many families shall we be able to observe at the LHC?

o How many scalar fields shall the LHC observe?

o What properties has the dark matter?

* Is the charge asymmetry in the dark matter

* Can the charge asymmetry be related to the baryon asymmetry?

o What is the origin of the two energy scales:

* the colour phase transition scale and

* the electroweak phase transition scale?

o Why has Nature made a choice of four (noticeable) dimensions

while all the others (if existing) are hidden?

* how does the compactification occur?

* what are properties of space-time in the hidden dimensions?

o Where do possible Majorana properties of fermions originate?

o How can one understand the discrete symmetries in Kaluza-Klein like


o How can all gauge fields (including gravity) be unified and quantized?

o What is the origin of the field which caused inflation?

o What do string theories really mean?


The aim of the workshop is to bring together physicists, who are

trying to find the answers to some of these and other open questions

from the field of the elementary particles and cosmology and who would

enjoy to actively discuss these questions in a small group.

In the last seventeen years we have organized workshops entitled

``What Comes Beyond the Standard Models?" They took place annually in

July since 1998. Each year we spent about ten days, trying to answer

these questions in a very pleasant and relaxing atmosphere. We have

published fifteen volumes of Proceedings to these workshops (one in

1999, and then one volume every year since 2001). In the year 2003 we

have also organized, in addition and with the help of EURESCO, the

conference titled "Euroconference on symmetries beyond the Standard

models" from 12. -- 17. of July 2003 in Portoroz,Slovenia. Proceedings

volume published in 2003 contains write-ups of the talks at this


Bled is a nice town by the lake of the same name, surrounded by mountains,

with many comfortable hotels. Home page of Bled, containing information

for visitors, is available at http://www.bled.si in several languages.

The Physical Society together with the Mathematical Society owns ahouse,

whose owner was our well known mathematician JosipPlemelj. This house

can accept 16 people in 8 rooms. The street location of the house is

Presernova cesta 39, Bled. It also has a lecture room for around 20 people.

There is some place in the Plemelj's house. However, if you want the hotel

reservation, then you can do that by yourself (Bled homepage http://www.Bled.si

contains links to hotels). If you want us to do that then, please, let us

know very soon.

*************************************** COST

We are trying to keep the costs low. The Conference Fee will be 510 EUR

for the whole duration of the Workshop (or 60 EUR per day) and it will

cover breakfast, coffee, lunch-snacks and dinner for 8 days, and 30 EUR

for the Proceedings, (already included in 510 EUR).

In addition, the price of weakly accommodation in Villa Plemelj is 200 EUR

(sharing a double bedroom)or 400 EUR (for single occupancy) and it is paid

separately from the Conference Fee.

These costs concern only the part at Bled from 11-19 July 2015, Ljubljana

and Bled after has to be paid separately.


Please let us know, if you need a letter of invitation from the organizing

committee either for your institute/university or for a visa application.

We recommend that you bring appropriate shoes and parkas for trekking

and mountaineering .

The workshop is organized by the DMFA (Society of Mathematicians,

Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia). The workshop is sponsored by

DMFA and Department of Physics, FMF, University of Ljubljana with the

computer equipment.


You may send a one page contribution to the workshop.


We also ask you to write in a few sentences the suggestions for the

open problems, which you are prepared to lead the discussions for, or

you suggest the discussions about.


It is planned that in the first two or three days everybody will

present her or his work in a one hour talk (although the talks usually,

because of many questions and interruptions, last much longer).

In the rest of the workshop we shall discuss the open problems.


We shall be glad to send you the letter of invitation after your

response to this announcement.



FIRST NAME.....................................

TITLE (Mr., Mrs., Dr., Prof.)......................

MAILING ADDRESS................................








DAY, MONTH AND YEAR OF BIRTH...................

ARRIVAL (day, hour; plane, train, car).........

Would you like to stay in the Plemelj's house, sharing the room with a

colleague? YES........(please suggest the name)

Would you prefer to stay in a hotel?(single room costs approximately

EUR 80 per night) YES......

TITLE OF TALK.................................

We are looking forward to meeting you at Bled.

Norma Susana Mankoc Borstnik, Holger Bech Nielsen, Maxim Yu. Khlopov
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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Re: 18 Bled Workshop "What comes beyond SM?"

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Tue 15 Dec 2015 13:40

The records of VIA session at 18 Bled Workshop are available in VIA library
The proceedings are attached
Proceedings of 18 Bled Worksop
(14.49 MiB) Downloaded 324 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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