Referat and Exam of Borodikhina Liudmila

Moderators: Maxim Khlopov, Konstantin Belotsky

Referat and Exam of Borodikhina Liudmila

New postby Liudmila_Borodikhina on Thu 13 Nov 2014 22:52

Добрый вечер! Темой реферата я выбрала: Теневой мир с 2 поколениями фермионов (Shadow matter with 2 generations of fermions).

С уважением, Людмила.
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Re: Referat and Exam of Borodikhina Liudmila

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Tue 25 Nov 2014 18:42

Dear Liudmila,
Thank you for information
I look forward to a first draft of your referat
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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Re: Referat and Exam of Borodikhina Liudmila

New postby Liudmila_Borodikhina on Mon 22 Dec 2014 12:19

Доброго дня!
Это начало реферата. К сожалению, мне пока не очень понятно, как посчитать долю первичного гелия: для этого нам необходимо знать значение барион-фотонного соотношения => необходимо рассчитать концентрации фотонов и барионов с учетом зеркальных частиц. Верно ли это?
С уважением, Людмила.
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Re: Referat and Exam of Borodikhina Liudmila

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Tue 23 Dec 2014 15:48

Dear Liudmila,
Thank you for draft, though, of course, there is a lot of work left.
The properties of your mirror matter are determined by your physics, in particular, whether you have the second generation stable, or not. To pretend on excellent result, you should consider the influence of ordinary particles on the mirror matter and vice versa and come to conclusions about possible forms of mirror matter.
Baryon/photon ratio in ordinary and mirror matter is determined by baryosynthesis, which you either deduce from your model, or make assumptions, which correspond to the observed properties of the ordinary matter.
You should also mention, whether, you have mechanisms for inflation in your scenario
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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Re: Referat and Exam of Borodikhina Liudmila

New postby Liudmila_Borodikhina on Sun 4 Jan 2015 18:54

Добрый вечер!
Это вторая версия реферата: оценена доля первичного гелия. Надо ли рассматривать возможность того, чт часть нейтронов распалась к моменту образования гелия?
С уважением. Людмила.
С наступившим новым годом!
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Re: Referat and Exam of Borodikhina Liudmila

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Mon 5 Jan 2015 17:57

Dear Liudmila,
Happy new year to you too!
You should divide your text on chapters, describing your physical model, your cosmological scenario and the properties of your dark matter objects that follow from the cosmological evolution of your shadow matter.
My comments are in the attached file
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[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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Re: Referat and Exam of Borodikhina Liudmila

New postby Liudmila_Borodikhina on Tue 6 Jan 2015 21:07

Добрый вечер!
Вот следующая версия реферата.
Referat_2_fermions2ver.odt (1).docx
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Re: Referat and Exam of Borodikhina Liudmila

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Tue 6 Jan 2015 23:24

Dear Liudmila,
For our further work I must know whether you plan to attend my course in the 2 semester.
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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Re: Referat and Exam of Borodikhina Liudmila

New postby Liudmila_Borodikhina on Tue 6 Jan 2015 23:34

Добрый вечер!
Я бы хотела дослушать Ваш курс в следующем семестре.
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Re: Referat and Exam of Borodikhina Liudmila

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Wed 7 Jan 2015 19:18

Dear Liudmila,
Of course, it will facilitate our work on your referat in future. But you should present your referat in the 2 semester in English (I'll give my course in English), but the essential points of your topic should be put in the Russian text.
My comments are in the attached file
Referat_2_fermions2ver Cor.docx
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[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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