Course of lectures in Liege

Various aspects of relationship between particle physics and cosmology and theoretical and experimental studies of this relationship, which are not precisely related with other topics are discussed here.

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Course of lectures in Liege

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Sat 30 May 2009 22:41

From 2 to 5 june a course of VIA
Lectures from University of Liege
was presented
Maxim Yu. Khlopov
Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (State University) and
Center for Cosmoparticle physics Cosmion
Moscow, Russia
Virtual Institute of Astroparticle physics
APC Laboratory, Paris, France

June 2
Cosmoparticle physics - fundamental relationship between modern
cosmology and particle physics
Development of particle physics and cosmology lead to their inevitable
fundamental relationship. The modern cosmology is based on inflationary models with
baryosynthesis and dark energy/matter. The reasons for inflation, baryosynthesis and dark
matter/energy and their realisation on the physics beyond the standard model are
discussed. Models of inflation, baryosynthesis and extensive list of dark matter
candidates are presented. Cosmological models and physics, on which they are based, can
be tested in the combination of physical, astrophysical and cosmological probes.
June 3
Cosmoarcheology - astrophysical data as the "experimental sample" for cosmological test
of new physics.
Extensions of standard model lead to new metastable particles, reflecting new
conservation laws that folloow from particle symmetry. Their presence in the Universe can
be tested in confrontation with the data on light element abundance, data on cosmic
microwave background on formation of large scale structure of the Universe and on
nonthermal electromagnetic backgrounds and cosmic rays.

June 4
Cosmophenomenology of new physics
Together with new particles cosmological consequences of particle models can lead to
cosmological defects (like monopoles, cosmic strings or domain walls) and various
primordial nonlinear structures.
Phase transitions in early Universe, reflecting the pattern of symmetry breaking,
mechanisms of inflation and baryosynthesis can lead to formation of primordial mini black
holes, clusters of massive black holes oir antimatter domains.

June 5
Puzzles of dark matter searches
Direct and indirect searches for dark matter lead to serious problems for simple models
with stable neutral Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) as candidates for dark
matter. A possibility of new stable quarks and charged leptons - bound in neutral
atom-like composite dark matter species to explain these puzzles is discussed.

The records of videoconferences of these lectures and successive discussions are available on our website

You are welcome to continue discussion of these topics on our Forum
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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Re: Course of lectures in Liege

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Thu 4 Jun 2009 10:12

The question in discussion after the first lecture was:
raan:what is probaility of situation when in next 10-50 years we receive new experimental data and will change our picture of world (74 % dark energy and so on)?
The answer is in the record of this lecture
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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Maxim Khlopov
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Re: Course of lectures in Liege

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Thu 4 Jun 2009 10:28

The following questions were put after the second lecture:
Richard Weiner (Germany):I had the impression that the existence of Hawking radiation from black holes has been put under question mark. Could you comment?
The answer is in the record of videoconference
raan:What another constraints to reheating T exist?
This question will be a subject of further discussion at our Forum
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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Re: Course of lectures in Liege

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Mon 8 Jun 2009 18:00

The following questions were put after the fourth lecture
raan:In connection with positron excess: can any dark matter model explains ATIC data? As far as I remember 300-600 GeV positron excess was observed by ATIC
Albino Hernandez:Are there any constraints for possible composite DM from a SU(2) weak singlet 4th family of new heavy fermions?
The answers to these and other questions, put during discussion, can be found in the record of this lecture
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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Maxim Khlopov
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