G.Voisin:Free falling with a pulsar in a triple system

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G.Voisin:Free falling with a pulsar in a triple system

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Tue 26 May 2020 14:37

VIA APC Theory seminar by Dr. Guillaume Voisin "Free falling with a pulsar in a triple system" took place on 26.05.2020. It's presentation is attached and the record of his talk is in VIA library
The movie, illustrating test of the equivalence principle on lunar surface can be found in
The following questions and comments were put during the talk and discussion
Philippe: How is Egrav defined?
Deruelle: This is the Laplace effect (1825), used by Nordvedt.
Deruelle: Gauus perturbation theory is not enough ?
Deruelle: ...this was shown by Cartan (1922) in 4D dimension of space time
Bernard: what explains the region where the constraint on alpha is very weak?
Deruelle: Why solve the FULL pb of motion numerically ? Why not start from the well-known 2-body motion at 1PN of the“inner” NS-WD system in, eg, scalar tensor theory, and then add “a la Gauss” the Newtonian contribution of the outer WD ?

You are welcome to continue discussion of this topic in replies to this post!
pdf of G.Voisin's presentation
(7.17 MiB) Downloaded 342 times
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