Black holes from Yukawa forces in the very early universe?

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Black holes from Yukawa forces in the very early universe?

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Mon 10 Apr 2023 16:56

In the framework of program “Zooming in on primordial black holes” on 1st of May 2023 at 3pm CEST there will be talk by Guillem Domènech "Black holes from Yukawa forces in the very early universe?"
Primordial black holes are often assumed to form by the collapse of large primordial fluctuations. However, it might not be the only channel. Yukawa forces are attractive, and they can be much stronger than gravity, leading to an instability similar to gravitational collapse in the early universe. I will present recent advancements on the growth of fluctuations in the very early universe from Yukawa forces, from exact analytical solutions to the very first N-body simulations. I will focus on a simple model: heavy fermions interacting via a Yukawa coupling with a scalar field in a quartic potential. I will end with a discussion on how this mechanism may lead to black hole formation.
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