M.Rameez:Testing the large scale isotropy of the Universe

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M.Rameez:Testing the large scale isotropy of the Universe

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Fri 31 May 2019 10:14

VIA lecture by Mohamed Rameez "Testing the large scale isotropy of the Universe with Radio and Infrared surveys, and type 1a SNe" was given on 31.05.2019. Its presentation is attached and the record is in the VIA library:
In the course of lecture the following questions were put and comments made:
Houri Ziaeepour: what is the error on the deviation angle ? in observations?
Houri Ziaeepour: Therefore it is not statistically significant.
Houri Ziaeepour: General comment: measurement of peculiar velocity of galaxies is very difficult and prone to errors. If evidence for DE was just SN or nearby galaxies, your doubt s were right. But it is not the only evidence.
Houri Ziaeepour: Pecular velocity correction is only important for low z as you say. But we have lots of high z SN that need DE
Houri Ziaeepour: you have to consider all type of parameters for fitting See my paper 2005, 2006.
Sebastian: The original papers of Riess and Perlmutter, you said, have *not* used any peculiar velocity corrections. So they must see the influence of the kinematic dipole in some way. Now that the corrections *are* done, wouldn't one expect a different result when redoing the original analyses of Riess/Perlmutter?

You are welcome to continue discussion of this topic, which is crucial for the basic element of the modern cosmology, in replies to this post
pdf of M.Rameez presentation
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