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Will Kinney: Current status of cosmological inflation

New postPosted: Sat 24 Jan 2015 16:08
by Maxim Khlopov
VIA lecture by Will Kinney: "Current status of cosmological inflation" was given on 23.01.2015.
Its record is in VIA library
and the presentation is available.
During the lecture and after it the following questions were put:
Shantanu: Can I ask a question based on previous 2 slides. Do basic models of inflation correctly predict delta/T observed in CMB of order 10^-5?
Shantanu: probably you mentioned this earlier but can you remind me which Planck measurements were used for this plot?
Shantanu: each of these inflaton model has a different inflation potential?
Shantanu: Are you worried about the criticisms of inflation by Steinhardt (and also others) ? And a follow up is whether you have any favourites among proposed alternatives to inflation.
Alex Dias: Can you say something more about extra neutrinos? What are the influence of those neutrinos?
Shantanu: Is there a robust lower limit on r from any generic model of inflation?
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