Big bounce and dark energy in gravity with torsion

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Big bounce and dark energy in gravity with torsion

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Mon 25 Jun 2012 16:51

Big bounce and dark energy in gravity with torsion in VIA lecture by Prof. Nikodem Poplawski (Indiana University, USA).
The following comments and questions were put in Discussion:
Houri Ziaeepour: You said that torsion exist only in presence of fermions. But cosmological constant is everywhere including in vacuum. Can you please explain this apparent contradiction

Richard Weiner: Torsion is based on fermion spin. This introduces baryonic or leptonic qunatum numbers. What are the implications of these for big bounce, inflation and other applications of torsion?

Houri Ziaeepour: In this case your are actually adding a large number of fields in the model. because connection has more components than metric

Richard Weiner: The quantum numbers are not corrections but fundamnetal

Richard Weiner: Spin itself is a quantum effect. Does this mean that torsion itself is a pure quantum effect?
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