Course of Lectures 1 Semester 2018/2019

Moderators: Maxim Khlopov, Konstantin Belotsky

Course of Lectures 1 Semester 2018/2019

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Mon 10 Sep 2018 20:39

was given
Lecture 1. Extending the Frontiers of Particle physics.

were given
Lecture 2. Expanding Universe
Lecture 3. Thermodynamics of Universe

Lecture 4. Evolution of Big Bang Universe

The following question was put in discussion
Alex_Gorin: about experimental search of relic neutrinos: what is the status?
were given
Lecture 5. Constraints on particles from Big Bang model

Lecture 6. Mirror and Shadow worlds

The attached list of possible topics of referats was shown.
The following question was put in Discussion:
Kamaletdinov: Можно ли выбрать тему, не представленную среди рекомендуемых, но немножко освещенную? Я бы хотел рассказать о монополях дирака и топологических зарядах.
Any original topic linking cosmology and particle physics is welcome
were given
Lecture 7. Problems of Old Big Bang Scenario

Lecture 8. Inflation

Lecture 9. Baryosynthesis

Lecture 10. Dark Matter/Energy

At this lecture the question was put:
Airat: главное чтобы взаимодействие было короткодействующим, наверное? А не константа взаимодействия?

were given
Lecture 11. Cosmoarcheology
Lecture 12. Nonequilibrium cosmological nucleosynthesis

Lecture 13. Cosmophenomenology of new physics

were given
Lecture 14. New generations of quarks and leptons

Lecture 15. Horizontal unification
L15.Horizontal unification.pdf
Lecture 15. Horizontal unification
(298.5 KiB) Downloaded 510 times
L14. New generations.pdf
Lecture 14. New generations
(827.05 KiB) Downloaded 481 times
L13. Cosmophenomenology of New Physics [Mode de compatibilité].pdf
Lecture 13. Cosmophenomenology of new physics
(824.6 KiB) Downloaded 447 times
L12.Nonequilibrium nucleosynthesis [Mode de compatibilité].pdf
Lecture 12. Nonequilibrium cosmological nucleosynthesis
(67.57 KiB) Downloaded 526 times
L11. Cosmoarcheology [Mode de compatibilité].pdf
Lecture 11. Cosmoarcheology
(59.05 KiB) Downloaded 510 times
L10. Dark matter and energy.pdf
Lecture 10. Dark Matter/Energy
(200.35 KiB) Downloaded 449 times
L9. Baryosynthesis.pdf
Lecture 9. Baryosynthesis
(237.12 KiB) Downloaded 461 times
L8. Inflation.pdf
Lecture 8. Inflation
(246.22 KiB) Downloaded 479 times
L7. The problems of old cosmology.pdf
Lecture 7. Problems of Old Big Bang
(529.87 KiB) Downloaded 500 times
Topics of referats.pdf
Topics of referats.
(53.69 KiB) Downloaded 495 times
L6. Mirror world.pdf
Lecture 6. Mirror and Shadow worlds
(282.5 KiB) Downloaded 513 times
L5. Constraints on particles.pdf
Lecture 5. Constraints on particles from Big Bang model
(256.76 KiB) Downloaded 522 times
L4.Evolution of Big Bang Universe.pdf
Lecture 4. Evolution of Big Bang Universe
(370.96 KiB) Downloaded 520 times
L3.Thermodynamics of the Universe.pdf
Lecture 3. Thermodynamics of Universe
(198.12 KiB) Downloaded 474 times
L2.Expanding Universe.pdf
Lecture 2. Expanding Universe
(478.83 KiB) Downloaded 523 times
L1.Frontiers of Particle Physics.pdf
Lecture 1. Extensios of the Standard model
(326.2 KiB) Downloaded 495 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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