Referat and Exam of Spesivi Michail

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Referat and Exam of Spesivi Michail

New postby Michael_Spesivi on Tue 21 Feb 2017 12:58

Извините за такую задержку.
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Re: Referat and Exam of Spesivi Michail

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Tue 21 Feb 2017 14:20

My comments are in the attached file.
Please consider the case of stable 4th generation in the mirror world.
You should have put a post with the title of your referat.
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[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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Re: Referat and Exam of Spesivi Michail

New postby Michael_Spesivi on Wed 1 Mar 2017 06:57

Извините, часть меток у меня не отображается.
Untitled 3.pdf
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Re: Referat and Exam of Spesivi Michail

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Wed 1 Mar 2017 09:47

I don't see discussion of the case of stable 4th family in your mirror world.
The properties of mirror quarks and leptons of 4th family should be specified.
No stylistic correction of the Introduction is made.
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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Re: Referat and Exam of Spesivi Michail

New postby Michael_Spesivi on Fri 3 Mar 2017 11:36

Максим Юрьевич, не могу найти подходящую литературу по этил вопросам. Не можете подсказать где взять информацию?
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Re: Referat and Exam of Spesivi Michail

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Fri 3 Mar 2017 15:10

My lecture "New stable quarks and leptons" and original papers and reviews:

K.M. Belotsky, M.Yu.Khlopov and K.I.Shibaev
Composite Dark Matter and its Charged Constituents. Invited talk at
International Conference KPS 06, Moscow, March, 2006. Gravitation and
(2006), V. 12, N-2-3 (46-47), PP.1-7. e-PrintArchive: astro-ph/0604518.

New symmetries in microphysics, new stable forms of matter around us. Invited
contribution to the special issue of honorary series of "Annals of Louis de
Broglie Foundations", dedicated to E.Majorana. e-PrintArchive:

Yu.A.Golubkov, D.Fargion, M.Yu.Khlopov, R.V.Konoplich and R.Mignani
Possible effects of the existence of the fourth generation neutrino. Pis'ma v
ZhETF (1999), V.69, PP. 402-406. [English translation:. JETP Letters (1999) V.
69, PP. 434-440]

M.Yu.Khlopov and K.I.Shibaev
New physics from superstring phenomenology. Gravitation and Cosmology,
Supplement, (2002) V.8, PP.45-52.

May Heavy neutrinos solve underground and cosmic ray puzzles?
K. Belotsky, D. Fargion, M. Khlopov, R. Konoplich
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0411093.

K.M.Belotsky, D. Fargion, M.Yu.Khlopov, R.Konoplich, M.G.Ryskin and K.I.Shibaev
Are heavy hadrons of the 4th generation hidden in our Universe and close to
detection? Grav.Cosm.Suppl.(2005) V.11, PP. 16-26. e-PrintArchive:

These papers can give you some idea, what is needed for your text
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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Re: Referat and Exam of Spesivi Michail

New postby Michael_Spesivi on Sun 5 Mar 2017 15:22

Я ознакомился с некоторыми статьями и вроде бы стал всё переделывать. Но хотел бы уточнить, нужно ли рассматривать AC и WTC модели. И правильно ли я понимаю, что тяжёлые фермионы являются зеркальными к обычным, или в зеркальном мире для зеркальных фермионов существуют эти тяжёлые партнёры?
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Re: Referat and Exam of Spesivi Michail

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Sun 5 Mar 2017 17:36

Tera-fermions is not your case. You don't need extra SU(2) and heavy partners for all known particles. Your case is 4th family in mirror world. The only point, which you should take into account that you have mirror 4th family stable - you must choose which leptons and quarks of 4th family are stable and consider their cosmological impact.
You can return to your previous version and add 4th family to mirror world. Assuming excess of mirror 4th family anti-U you can consider mirror OHe accompanied by stable 4th family neutrino and, in particular, study what kind of constraints on ordinary OHe and 4th family are not valid in mirror world.
The following papers may be useful:
K.M. Belotsky, M.Yu.Khlopov and K.I.Shibaev
Composite Dark Matter and its Charged Constituents. Invited talk at
International Conference KPS 06, Moscow, March, 2006. Gravitation and
(2006), V. 12, N-2-3 (46-47), PP.1-7. e-PrintArchive: astro-ph/0604518.
K.M.Belotsky, M.Yu.Khlopov, S. Legonkov and K.I.Shibaev
Effects of new long-range interaction: Recombination of relic heavy neutrinos and antineutrinos. Invited talk at Cosmion2004. Grav.Cosm.Suppl. (2005) V.11, PP. 27-33. e-Print Archive: astro-ph/0504621.
I have marked yellow misprints - please check spelling of words in your text
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[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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Re: Referat and Exam of Spesivi Michail

New postby Michael_Spesivi on Fri 10 Mar 2017 22:35

Добрый вечер. Извините, а не подскажите где найти информацию о том, какие процессы обуславливают стабильность фермионов 4-го поколения? А так же хотя бы информацию о том, как вычислить массы у этих фермионов, какова их доля по отношению к фермионам 1-го поколения и почему рассматриваем системы из U-кварков и не рассматриваем D-кварки.
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Re: Referat and Exam of Spesivi Michail

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Sun 12 Mar 2017 17:20

For the ordinary matter you find answers in the list of references, listed before.
You are right that for mirror matter the constraints for ordinary matter are not valid and both the case of lightest U and D quarks are possible. Whatever is your choice, you should specify what kind of stable species are predicted.
Stability of 4th generation can be supported by new U(1) gauge symmetry, for which the corresponding charge is strictly conserved. This charge only 4th generation quark and leptons possess.
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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