Lectures 2016-2017 1 Semester

Moderators: Maxim Khlopov, Konstantin Belotsky

Lectures 2016-2017 1 Semester

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Tue 13 Sep 2016 11:23

Lecture 1. Extending frontiers of particle physics
part 1

part 2

part 3

Lecture 2. Expanding Universe

Lecture 3. Thermodynamics of the Universe
part 1

part 2

Lecture 4. Evolution of Big Bang Universe

The following question was put during the lecture
Дарья Кошеленко: Максим Юрьевич, а откуда берутся те первичные неоднородности, которые затем вырастают?

Lecture 5. Constraints on particles from Big Bang Universe

Lecture 6. Mirror and shadow worlds

In the end of this lecture possible topics of referats and their recommended structure were proposed

Lecture 7. Problems of old cosmology

Lecture 8. Inflation

Lecture 9. Baryosynthesis

Lecture 10. Dark matter and Dark energy

Lecture 11. Cosmoarcheology

Lecture 12. Nonequilibrium nucleosynthesis

Lecture 13. New generations of quarks and leptons

Lecture 14. Cosmophenomenology of new physics

Lecture 15. Horizontal unification
L15.Horizontal unification.pdf
Presentation of Lecture 15. Horozontal unification
(298.5 KiB) Downloaded 362 times
L14. Cosmophenomenology of New Physics.pdf
Presentation of Lecture 14. Cosmophenomenology of new physics
(657.82 KiB) Downloaded 386 times
L13. New generations.pdf
Presentation of Lecture 13. New generations of quarks and leptons
(827.05 KiB) Downloaded 358 times
L12.Nonequilibrium nucleosynthesis.pdf
Presentation of Lecture 12. Nonequilibrium nucleosynthesis
(202.51 KiB) Downloaded 348 times
L11. Cosmoarcheology.pdf
Presentation of Lecture 11. Cosmoarcheology
(169.3 KiB) Downloaded 350 times
L10. Dark matter and energy.pdf
Presentation of the Lecture 10. Dark Matter and energy
(200.35 KiB) Downloaded 342 times
L9. Baryosynthesis.pdf
Presentation of Lecture 9. Baryosynthesis
(237.12 KiB) Downloaded 375 times
L8. Inflation.pdf
Presentation of Lecture 8. Inflation
(246.22 KiB) Downloaded 365 times
L7. The problems of old cosmology.pdf
Presentation of Lecture 7. Porblems of old cosmology
(529.87 KiB) Downloaded 338 times
Topics of referats.pdf
(53.69 KiB) Downloaded 391 times
L6. Mirror world.pdf
Presentation of the Lecture 6. Mirror and shadow worlds
(282.5 KiB) Downloaded 345 times
L5. Constraints on particles.pdf
Presentation of the Lecture 5. Constraints on particles from Big Bang Universe
(256.76 KiB) Downloaded 344 times
L4.Evolution of Big Bang Universe.pdf
Presentation of the Lecture 4. Evolution of Big Bang Universe
(370.96 KiB) Downloaded 374 times
L3.Thermodynamics of the Universe.pdf
Presentation of the Lecture 3. Thermodynamics of the Universe
(198.12 KiB) Downloaded 366 times
L2.Expanding Universe.pdf
Presentation of the Lecture 2. Expanding Universe
(478.83 KiB) Downloaded 401 times
L1.Frontiers of Particle Physics.pdf
Presentation of the Lecture 1. Extending frontiers of particle physics
(326.2 KiB) Downloaded 427 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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