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Re: Maria Toropova

New postPosted: Thu 10 Jan 2013 18:41
by ToropovaM_MEPhi
Здравствуйте, Максим Юрьевич!
Выкладываю исправленную версию реферата. При работе над ней у меня возник один вопрос, он отмечен в самом реферате.
С уважением, Мария.

Re: Maria Toropova

New postPosted: Fri 11 Jan 2013 19:22
by Maxim Khlopov
Dear Maria,
I answer your question in the attached file - you are right, you can determine the frozen concentrations of free neutrons and protons from the comparison of rates of n+p reaction and of expansion.
Please answer two other question questions:
1. Are di-neutrons or multi-neutrons possible in your model?
2. Can mass difference in nuclei due to Coulomb effects be sufficient to provide beta-decay?
As soon as you correct your text and answer these questions you can put the final version of your referat to be admitted to exam

Re: Maria Toropova

New postPosted: Sat 12 Jan 2013 10:44
by ToropovaM_MEPhi
Здравствуйте, Максим Юрьевич!
Новая версия реферата.
С уважением, Мария.

Re: Maria Toropova

New postPosted: Sat 12 Jan 2013 13:14
by Maxim Khlopov
Dear Maria,
Let's stop the work on text.
You are admitted to exam, but you should correct your answer:
Динейтронные и мультинейтронные состояния, то есть частицы состоящие только из нейтронов, в данном зеркальном мире могут существовать, но только в несвязанном состоянии, они являются короткоживущими частицами.
Since you have nuclear attractive forces in your mirror world, why they cannot bind neutrons in di-neutron state.
You should either prove your answer, or correct it.
Please prepare answer to this question together with the questions of bilet

Exam of Maria Toropova 1 semester

New postPosted: Sun 7 Apr 2013 18:55
by Maxim Khlopov
Record of exam of M.Toropova 1 semester