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Re: Diana Vakina - mp-me<mn<mp

New postPosted: Sat 12 Jan 2013 00:01
by Vakina mephi
Добрый вечер, Максим Юрьевич!
Прикрепляю новую версию реферата.

Re: Diana Vakina - mp-me<mn<mp

New postPosted: Sat 12 Jan 2013 13:22
by Maxim Khlopov
Dear Diana,
Let's stop work on your text.
You are admitted to exam, but, please, prepare an answer to the following question:
You have mirror helium atoms and free neutrons. Mirror helium forms stars. What is the fraction of free neutrons in these stars?

Re: Referat and Exam of Diana Vakina - mp-me<mn<mp

New postPosted: Sat 12 Jan 2013 17:12
by Vakina mephi
Максим Юрьевич, мне необходимо произвести оценку(посчитать) долю свободных нейтронов в конечном итоге, после горения Не и образования хим.состава или же повториться,что доля свободных нейтронов составляет не более 25%?

Re: Referat and Exam of Diana Vakina - mp-me<mn<mp

New postPosted: Sat 12 Jan 2013 18:01
by Maxim Khlopov
Dear Diana,
My question is simpler:
Assume that mirror helium atoms form mirror stars while free mirror neutrons are collisionless gas in the Galaxy.
The number density of this mirror neutron gas is determined as the fraction of mirror neutrons in the total dark matter.
When free neutron hits the surface of mirror star it is captured by star.
You can take for definiteness the size of Sun for mirror stars and calculate the amount of free neutrons that are captured by star during the age of Galaxy (you can take it as the age of the Universe).

Exam of Diana Vakina 1 semester

New postPosted: Sun 7 Apr 2013 18:56
by Maxim Khlopov
Record of exam of D.Vakina 1 semester