Lectures 1 semester

Moderators: Maxim Khlopov, Konstantin Belotsky

Lectures 1 semester

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Tue 4 Sep 2012 21:44

Lectures by M.Yu. Khlopov. Course "Introduction to cosmoparticle physics" 1 semester.
Lecture 1. Frontiers of Particle Physics

Lecture 2. Expanding Universe (record of 19.09.2012)

The list of possible topics of referats was presented. Any original idea of possible topic is welcome.

Lecture 3. Thermodynamics of the Universe

Lecture 4. Evolution of Big Bang Universe

Lecture 5. Constraints on particles in Big Bang Universe

During the lecture the question was put forward and answered:
Не исключается ли область очень больших масс N данными CDMS?

Lecture 6. Mirror and Shadow worlds

The lecture is aimed to facilitate the work on referats, described in

Brief discussion of the questions about mirror matter took place

Lecture 7. Problems of Old Big Bang Cosmology

Lecture 8. Inflation

During the lecture the question was put forward and answered:
Это механизм рождения Вселенной или пространства-времени?
Информация (Alexander Kirillov): на сайте elementy.ru в разделе "видеотека" выложена лекция А. Линде, которую он читал в ФИАНе лет 5 назад.

Lecture 9. Baryosynthesis

Lecture 10. Dark Matter end Energy

Lecture 11. Cosmoarcheology

Lecture 12. Nonequilibrium cosmological nucleosynthesis

Lecture 13. Cosmophenomenology of new physics

Unfortunately, records of Lecture 14 and Lecture 15 are lost in server. Records of these lectures of previous years are available as well as the slides of these lectures for this year.
L15. New generations of stable quarks and leptons.ppt
(911 KiB) Downloaded 432 times
L14.Horizontal unification.ppt
(761.5 KiB) Downloaded 532 times
L13. Cosmophenomenology of New Physics.ppt
(1.38 MiB) Downloaded 494 times
L12.Nonequilibrium nucleosynthesis.ppt
(190 KiB) Downloaded 374 times
L11. Cosmoarcheology.ppt
(189 KiB) Downloaded 351 times
L10. Dark matter and energy.ppt
(191 KiB) Downloaded 392 times
L9. Baryosynthesis.ppt
(481.5 KiB) Downloaded 392 times
L8. Inflation.ppt
(306.5 KiB) Downloaded 376 times
L7. The problems of old cosmology.ppt
(1.54 MiB) Downloaded 599 times
L6. Mirror world.ppt
(264.5 KiB) Downloaded 407 times
L5. Constraints on particles in Big Bang Universe.ppt
(448 KiB) Downloaded 371 times
L4.Evolution of Big Bang Universe.ppt
(394.5 KiB) Downloaded 414 times
L3.Thermodynamics of the Universe.ppt
(505.5 KiB) Downloaded 422 times
Topics of referats.ppt
Any original idea of topic is welcome
(107.5 KiB) Downloaded 364 times
L2.Expanding Universe.ppt
(714.5 KiB) Downloaded 419 times
L1.Frontiers of Particle Physics.ppt
(628 KiB) Downloaded 454 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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