questions from Krasnopevtsev

Moderators: Maxim Khlopov, Konstantin Belotsky

questions from Krasnopevtsev

New postby Krasnopevtsev on Sat 23 Oct 2010 00:40

Good day. I have a little question.
Please look at this site
What book do You think should i read to know more about general theory of relativity and what books are really useful and interesting? Maybe You will tell about some other books. Its a pity but i still didnt get Your book in a library. I am going to do it after our interruption in styding.
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Re: questions from Krasnopevtsev

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Mon 1 Nov 2010 21:49

Dear Dimitriy,
These books are of very different level and concern. Some of them can give detailed knowledge on mathematical aspects of general relativity, others are useful for various applications. So all of them are of interest, but if you'd like to get some general physical idea on GR and its application to cosmology, I can recommend you the book
Долгов, Зельдович, Сажин. Космология ранней Вселенной. 1988 год
from this list as well as all the three books by Zeldovich and Novikov: Relativistic astrophysics, Theory of gravity and evolution of stars and Structure and evolution of the Universe. Though they are not up-date to the modern cosmology, you can get from them physical ideas of general relativity.
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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Re: questions from Krasnopevtsev

New postby Krasnopevtsev on Thu 4 Nov 2010 23:56

Thank You.
I took Your book in library and began reading, also i brought lectures of Berkov about general theory of relativity and its attachments in cosmology. So now i need some time to read them, then i will see your recomendations.
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about report

New postby Krasnopevtsev on Sun 7 Nov 2010 17:49

May You give me more informationn about reports, which we must write next year.
What are topics?
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Re: questions from Krasnopevtsev

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Sun 7 Nov 2010 20:38

Dear Dimitriy,
You can ask K.M.Belotsky for a list of possible topics
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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