Referat and Exam of Alexander Kumpan

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Referat and Exam of Alexander Kumpan

New postby Kumpan Alex on Thu 1 Apr 2010 19:21

Kumpan Alexander
Kumpan Alex
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Re: The One Neutrino's Generation Model

New postby Kumpan Alex on Thu 1 Apr 2010 20:21

I thought about some plan of my essay, but i supposed that posting it here isn't a good idea. But, this plane isn't complete. Why? Because i have some trouble with understanding of the most important question. You can see it below.

The plan is:

1. I must to show impossibility of existing of only one neutrino's generation. How can i do this? There are 3 points:
1.1.) If we have only one generation, then Z0's width is smaller that we have from accelerate experiments;
1.2.)If we have only one generation, then probability of beta processes is smaller, then we can see in great number of observations and conclusions.
1.3.) Probability of 1.2 processes has an influence on proton-neutron relationship. So, we have another concentration of primordial Helium 4 in this way.
2. I must show this model's possibility in the Mirror World.
3. Follow our last semester's way, i can describe this Mirror World through primordial Helium's concentration. I can also try to predict some accelerator's results in this world.

But i can't understand what can i do in point 2. I can't prove it severely. Konstantin Mihailovich said: you can use He concentration's mistake or voice some doubt about its ( concentration's) truly value. But i thought about this way, and i think that all those ways are like mirage, they're very... unstable... Too many "if". I don't know.

As you see, i can't put my essay at forum today. I mark my progress as 0,0001. Not even 2. But some estimates i can put here in close 2 days.
Kumpan Alex
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Re: The One Neutrino's Generation Model

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Fri 2 Apr 2010 00:32

Dear Alexander,
You start to think on the topic and it deserves much higher estimation, than you give yourself.
1. I must show impossibility of existing of only one neutrino's generation. How can i do this?
- More precisely: you must show that it is not sufficient to have only one generation of mirror particles to solve the problems of modern cosmology
There are 3 points:
1.1.) If we have only one generation, then Z0's width is smaller that we have from accelerate experiments;
- We consider mirror world, so accelerators of ordinary particles are not appropriate
1.2.)If we have only one generation, then probability of beta processes is smaller, then we can see in great number of observations and conclusions.
It is just the opposite - it is a bit larger, since you don't have mixing angle factors in amplitudes of beta processes in the first family
1.3.) Probability of 1.2 processes has an influence on proton-neutron relationship. So, we have another concentration of primordial Helium 4 in this way.
Effect of 1.2 is smaller that the effect of thermodynamical factor of one neutrino species instead of 3. You can compare effect of your mirror world on ordinary helium and effects of ordinary world on nucleosynthesis in mirror world
2. I must show this model's possibility in the Mirror World.
Yes, you first trace the evolution of you rmirror world (taking into account presence of ordinary matter , which is dark matter for mirror matter.
3. Follow our last semester's way, i can describe this Mirror World through primordial Helium's concentration. I can also try to predict some accelerator's results in this world.
It is more interesting to study what kind of influence your mirror world causes in ordinary world.
So, please, go on in your studies
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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Re: The One Neutrino's Generation Model

New postby Kumpan Alex on Tue 13 Apr 2010 16:08

Maxim Urievich, I'm sorry for my late. This is a frame of my referat. There are some questions - you can find them inside the document. I'm waiting for your remarks.

Kumpan A.V.
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Re: The One Neutrino's Generation Model

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Wed 14 Apr 2010 22:46

Dear Alexander,
Thank you for draft. It shows that you started to work. However, in general, any scientific text assumes strict formulations and correct terms, in which you discuss the problem.
Therefore, please, avoid wrong terms and statements even in draft.
The aim of referat is to give you some idea about scientific style, which should avoid any personal and literal comments and expressions. So, please, also pay attention to the style of your text. Too many misprints never decorate your text.
I can give several examples of such terms and statements in your draft:
K* - полная плотность Вселенной (of course no, it is statistical factor in the expression of density)
Не учитываем здесь бозоны, т к рассматриваем Т = 1 MeV, при которых их объективно не было.
Казалось бы нужно учесть глюоны, но они по болшей части изчезли во время резкового
фазового перехода из кварк-глюонной плазмы, а те, которые остались, сидят в n и p.

Что же делать? Ответ очевиден: ищем бубен =))
Пляски с бубном.
an so on...
About inflation:
Можно также предположить, что вследстие, неодинаковой инфляции (точнее, специфики
инфляции теневого мира), плотность вещества в теневом мире была весьма малой, такой, что в
момент закалки теневой мир не оказал ощутимого воздействия на стандартный мир.
In fact you are obliged to make some conclusions about physics of baryosynthesis and inflation in your model. The discussion of inflation, in particular, should involve some mechanism, which you assume. If it is chaotic inflation, you should discuss it in terms of inflaton and its modes of decay.
We do not formulate task in a strict and formal way. Any initiative is welcome and of course you can begin with a discussion of new elements that appear in accelerators and in nuclear physics in Standard model with only one generation.
I look forward to the next iteration
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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Re: The One Neutrino's Generation Model

New postby Kumpan Alex on Thu 29 Apr 2010 03:47

The next variant of referat. The words in /* */ are my comments (for current version only). And I tried to work with my sentence's style. I hope, we'll discuss this version on seminar.

Kumpan A V
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Re: The One Neutrino's Generation Model

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Thu 29 Apr 2010 11:31

Dear Alexander,
Thank you for your text.
Yes, we should discuss it today, but you see yourself that it is not complete.
You should add Conclusion and Bibliography
Please correct in Introduction:
Существование гипотетических зеркальных частиц и зеркального мира постулировали
Кобзарев, Померанчук и Окунь - after discovery of CP violation, mirror partners were first proposed by Lee and Yang (1956) and associated with antiparticles in 1957.
С начала 1980-х годов были опубликованы десятки статей по зеркальному миру,
затрагивающих самые различные его аспекты( x и y частицы, парафотоны, нарушения
симметрий и др) - it is not mirror world, but elements of shadow world
Still you should work on style.
Statements like
ведь этот процесс просто пронизан случайными
событиями, и вероятность того, что он проходил одинаково в обоих мирах исчезающе мала.
should be avoided
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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Re: The One Neutrino's Generation Model

New postby Kumpan Alex on Tue 4 May 2010 19:17

The last version.
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Kumpan Alex
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Re: The One Neutrino's Generation Model

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Tue 4 May 2010 20:39

Please correct
Чтобы сохранить инвариантность СР, Кобзарев, Померанчук и Окунь в своей работе
«О возможности экспериментального обнаружения зеркальных частиц» в 1966г.
постулируют существование зеркального мира.
They tried to save equivalence of left- and right- handed coordinate systems systems, if CP is violated.
Please introduce in Introduction shadow world as the case of a broken mirror symmetry. Then paraphotons, x and y particles etc come naturally as effects of such symmetry breaking.

Please add comments about baryosynthesis in ordinary and mirror worlds.
Please correct style
Глюоны мы также не учитываем, потому что в момент закалки
существовали только те глюоны, которые находились внутри нейтронов и протонов;
остальные изчезли во время резкого фазового перехода из кварк-глюонной плазмы.

Can you estimate the amplitude of kinetic mixing between ordinary and mirror photons?
You are close to the end
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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Exam of A.Kumpan

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Thu 6 May 2010 16:05

Record of exam of A.Kumpan
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
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