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Реферат Куранова М.

New postPosted: Thu 7 May 2009 20:56
by Kuranov
Теневая материя с двумя поколениями фермионов

Re: Реферат Куранова М.

New postPosted: Thu 7 May 2009 22:05
by Maxim Khlopov
The text is unsatisfactory.
Your task is to consider cosmological scenario, based on the model with ordinary matter and 2 families of mirror particles. You must make a conclusion whether such physical basis is sufficient to describe the struture and evolution of the Universe.
The referat should have a proper form: title, Introduction, Sections, Conclusion, Bibliography

Re: Реферат Куранова М.

New postPosted: Tue 23 Jun 2009 19:01
by Kuranov
Вторая версия реферата.

Re: Реферат Куранова М.

New postPosted: Tue 23 Jun 2009 19:56
by Maxim Khlopov
Please give more precise formulation of problem.
Let's agree: you consider world with two families and study its cosmological consequences.
You should specify the set of particles, which is in your model.
Число поколений фермионов влияет на интенсивность процесса β–распада - please, correct the statement.
В мире с двумя поколениями фермионов интенсивность β–распада ниже, чем в нашем мире. - why??? Please correct.
В рассматриваемом варианте теневого мира обилие первичного гелия больше, чем в нашем мире, следовательно, массовая доля водорода будет ниже - please correct this conclusion.
In the present form referat is not satisfactory

Re: Реферат Куранова М.

New postPosted: Wed 24 Jun 2009 17:10
by Kuranov
Третья версия реферата.

Re: Реферат Куранова М.

New postPosted: Wed 24 Jun 2009 17:44
by Maxim Khlopov
Please correct:
Your Introduction has nothing to do with your problem. Please put instead the problem: you consider mirror world with 2 families of quarks and leptons and symmetry which is SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) and study its cosmological consequences.
Данное влияние описывается группой симметрии SU(n)Н, где n – число поколений фермионов. Таким образом, свойства рассматриваемого теневого мира, формируемые числом поколений фермионов, описываются группой симметрии SU(2)H. - please correct. You don't have this additional horizontal group of symmetry.
By the way, will you have CP violating phase in your mass matrix for quarks?
I can accept your result about nucleosynthesis in your world
Please correct in conclusion:
Исходя из этого, можно предположить, что количество зеркальных звезд, где протекают термоядерные реакции, будет больше чем в нашем мире. - It is not evident and you should better remove this statement.

Re: Реферат Куранова М.

New postPosted: Wed 24 Jun 2009 17:52
by Maxim Khlopov
Please also correct the value of \kappa - it is less than 1 in your case.
Give its precise value for your case

Re: Реферат Куранова М.

New postPosted: Wed 24 Jun 2009 18:25
by Kuranov
Реферат. Для каппа формула была взята из учебника. И из ее вида следует, что каппа больше 1. Как она может быть меньше 1?

Re: Реферат Куранова М.

New postPosted: Wed 24 Jun 2009 18:49
by Maxim Khlopov
Please, make the following corrections
Your Introduction has nothing to do with your problem. Please put instead the problem: you consider mirror world with 2 families of quarks and leptons and symmetry which is SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) and study its cosmological consequences.
Answer the question:
will you have CP violating phase in your mass matrix for quarks?
We didn't consider in the textbook your case, when number of relativistic species is less, than in the standard model.
Therefore, you should not take mechanically formulae from textbook but use the physical meaning of \kappa and calculate it for your case: more precisely - compare the number of relativistic species in the standard model and in your case and calculate this ratio

To admit you to exam tomorrow, I should see all these corrections and answers to my questions