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Реферат и экзамен Шульги.

New postPosted: Sat 18 Apr 2009 20:49
by Evgeniy
Зеркальный мир в отсутствии слабого взаимодействия.

Re: Реферат Шульги.

New postPosted: Sun 19 Apr 2009 16:56
by Konstantin Belotsky
вам хорошо бы довести вами начатые оценки до числа (сколько пионов, мюонов, гелия). В вашем случае могут быть стабильными кварки и лептоны всех поколений, чьи количества можно также оценить.

Re: Реферат Шульги.

New postPosted: Thu 23 Apr 2009 01:49
by Didier Vladimir
Консультация по реферату Е.Шульги

Re: Реферат Шульги.

New postPosted: Thu 23 Apr 2009 21:34
by Didier Vladimir
Консультация по реферату Е.Шульги

Re: Реферат Шульги.

New postPosted: Sat 25 Apr 2009 21:59
by Evgeniy
Новая редакция.

Re: Реферат Шульги.

New postPosted: Tue 28 Apr 2009 12:10
by Evgeniy
(25.49 KiB) Downloaded 1005 times

Re: Реферат Шульги.

New postPosted: Tue 28 Apr 2009 19:20
by Maxim Khlopov
Dear Evgeniy,
Thank you for draft.
1. Formulation of problem - you have both our world with known particle content (3 families of quarks and leptons), based on the standard model SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) and in addition mirror world with SU(3)xU(1). I think you can take for simplicity one family of mirror quarks and leptons. Then you don't have mirror muons.
2. Group SU(3)xU(1) does not mean that you don't have weak interaction: you don't have SU(2) and it gauge bosons (charged W and W_3). It does not mean that you don't have Z: gauge boson of your U(1) is superposition of photon and Z. Therefore neutrinos will be in equilibrium until Z-boson mediated interaction decouples.
3. Your mirror nucleons and stable pions are the form of dark matter. So you should study first cosmological evolution of your mirror particles (under the assumption of normal content of ordinary particles and taking into account their effect on this evolution) and then effect of your mirror particles on ordinary particles.
There is a good question about mirror baryon asymmetry.
Please consider 2 cases:
a. There is the same asymmetry in mirror quarks as for ordinary quarks
b. There is equal amount of mirror quarks and antiquarks

Please correct your text taking into account the above comments.
Good luck

Re: Реферат Шульги.

New postPosted: Tue 28 Apr 2009 19:30
by Evgeniy
Максим Юрьевич, дело в том что тема моего реферата как раз :
Mirror world without weak interaction: SU(3)*U(1)
По этой причине я и исключил нейтрино и W,Z ,бозоны

Re: Реферат Шульги.

New postPosted: Tue 28 Apr 2009 19:44
by Maxim Khlopov
Dear Evgeniy,
Well, you can consider U(1) as the group of pure mirror electromagnetism (without admixture of Z-interaction).
Then you have strong suppression of mirror neutrinos.
Please, take into account all the other comments.

Re: Реферат Шульги.

New postPosted: Mon 4 May 2009 16:10
by Didier Vladimir
Консультация по реферату Е.Шульги