Open Online VIA course 2016 for MOOC activity Thursdays

Open Online VIA course 2016 for MOOC activity Thursdays

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Wed 10 Feb 2016 16:53

The International course of lectures by
Prof.Dr. Maxim Yu. Khlopov and Prof. Dmitri Semikoz
"Introduction to cosmoparticle physics"
with the use of VIA facility is not only a regular course
in the programme of Russian National Research Nuclear University MEPHI, but also
continues to test VIA as a possible supplementary tool for MOOC activity.
The course is given on Thursdays,
starts on Thursday 11 February 2016 and contains

11 February
10.00-11.25 Paris time (12.00-13.25 MT)
Lecture 1. M. Khlopov ''Frontiers of particle physics''

18 February
10.00-11.25 Paris time (12.00-13.25 MT)
Lecture 2. M. Khlopov ''Inflation, baryosynthesis, dark matter and BSM physics''

25 February
10.00-11.25 Paris time (12.00-13.25 MT)
Lecture 3. M. Khlopov ''Cosmoarcheology (cosmological probes for particle physics)''

3 March
10.00-11.25 Paris time (12.00-13.25 MT)
Lecture 4. M. Khlopov ''Cosmophenomenology of new physics''

10 March
16.45-18.20 Paris time (18.45-20.20 MT)
Lecture 5. D.Semikoz ''Cosmic rays''

17 March
16.45-18.20 Paris time (18.45-20.20 MT)
Lecture 6. D.Semikoz ''Gamma-ray astronomy''

31 March
17.45-19.20 (18.45-20.20 MT)
Lecture 7. D.Semikoz ''Neutrino Astrophysics''

7 April
11.00-12.25 Paris time (12.00-13.25 MT)
Lecture 8. M. Khlopov ''Dark matter searches''

14 April
11.00-12.25 Paris time (12.00-13.25 MT)
Lecture 9. M. Khlopov ''Dark atoms''

21 April
11.00-12.25 Paris time (12.00-13.25 MT)
Lecture 10. M. Khlopov ''Brane world cosmology''

28 April
11.00-12.25 Paris time (12.00-13.25 MT)
Lecture 11. M. Khlopov ''Cosmoparticle physics - the fundamental realtionship of cosmology and particle physics ''

Owing to the interactive character of this course additional lectures and individual consultations are possible
To be admitted to exam the participants should be registered on VIA Forum and must put the topic
and then versions of their small thesis, being corrected following professor's comments, as posts
in the current directory Education, in which records of the lectures of the course will be also put.
The estimation of such thesis determines 70% of the final mark.
The lectures and exam proceed online in the form of videoconference with the use of
adobe Connect system.
To enter the virtual lecture room it is sufficient to click "to participate" on
any announcement of VIA lecture on the homepage
and then
Enter as Guest - print your name.
You are welcome to join us in this exciting educational experiment
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
Administrateur du site
Posts: 1958
Joined: Sat 9 Aug 2008 19:42
Location: Paris

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