XXIV Bled Workshop "What comes beyond SM"

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XXIV Bled Workshop Programme on 11 July 2021

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Sat 10 Jul 2021 18:41

PROGRAM of the 24th International workshop ‘’What comes beyond the standard models’’ [ Virtual Workshop ]

Sunday, 11th of July 2021

7:00 – 9:00 Morning private discussion section

Morning session:

Chair person: Maxim Yu. Khlopov

Bled/Ljubljana 09:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 10:00 New Delhi 12:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 15:00 Tokyo 16:00 New York 21:00 San Francisco 00:00

09:00 – 10:30 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik: Understanding nature with the spin-charge-family theory - dark matter
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10:30 – 11:15 Andrea Addazi: Mirror Dark Matter searches in laboratory and in the sky II
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11:15 – 11:45 Shiladitya Porey: Entropy production in Electroweak Phase Transition (EWPT) in the early universe
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11:45 – 12:15 Arnab Chaudhuri: Charge asymmetry of new stable quarks in baryon asymmetrical Universe
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12:15 – 12:45 Sourav R. Chowdhuri: Gravitational waves in modified gravity
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12.45 – 14.00 Holger B. Nielsen, Masao Ninomiya: Bound States of Infinitely Many Constituents of Strings - Symmetry Considerations II
Part 1
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Part 2
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Afternoon session: closing
Chair person: Igor Nikitin
Bled/Ljubljana 16:00 Moscow/Tel Aviv 17:00 New Delhi 19:30 Beijing/Irkutsk 22:00 Tokyo 23:00 New York 10:00 San Francisco 7:00

16:00 – 17:30 O.M. Lecian: Statistical anaylses of antimatter domains, created by nonhomogeneous baryosynthesis in a baryon asymmetrical Universe
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17:30 – 18:00 Anastasia Kirichenko: The flux of antihelium nuclei from a globular cluster of antimatter in the Galaxy
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18:00 – 18:30 T.E. Bikbaev: Numerical modelling of dark atom interaction with nuclei
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18:30 – 19:00 Viktor Stasenko: Dynamics and mergers of primordial black holes in a cluster
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19:00 – 20.30 Closure of the Workshop, open discussions and concluding remarks N.S.Mankoc-Borstnik, M.Yu.Khlopov, Holger Bech Nielsen
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presentation of report.pptx
Presentation of talk by A. Kirichenko "The flux of antihelium nuclei from a globular cluster of antimatter in the Galaxy"
(706.34 KiB) Downloaded 270 times
Bled_2021 presentation Stasenko PBHs dynamics.pdf
Presentation of talk by Viktor Stasenko "Dynamics and mergers of primordial black holes in a cluster"
(497.84 KiB) Downloaded 312 times
Workshop Bikbaev's talk 2021.pptx
Presentation of talk by T.E. Bikbaev "Numerical modelling of dark atom interaction with nuclei"
(3.3 MiB) Downloaded 257 times
Presentation of talk by Arnab Chaudhuri "Charge asymmetry of new stable quarks in baryon asymmetrical Universe"
(171.84 KiB) Downloaded 318 times
[Bled]Shiladitya Porey_slides_final.pdf
Presentation of talk by Shiladitya Porey "Entropy production in Electroweak Phase Transition (EWPT) in the early universe
(6.78 MiB) Downloaded 365 times
Presentation of talk by Sourav R. Chowdhuri "Gravitational waves in modified gravity"
(1.2 MiB) Downloaded 290 times
KLBledConferenceslides (1).pdf
Presentation of talk by O.M. Lecian "Statistical anaylses of antimatter domains, created by nonhomogeneous baryosynthesis in a baryon asymmetrical Universe"
(257.66 KiB) Downloaded 291 times
Presentation of talk by Holger B. Nielsen, Masao Ninomiya "Bound States of Infinitely Many Constituents of Strings - Symmetry Considerations Part II"
(856.17 KiB) Downloaded 304 times
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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Posts: 1987
Joined: Sat 9 Aug 2008 19:42
Location: Paris



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