XXI Bled Workshop ''What comes beyond the Standard model?''

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XXI Bled Workshop ''What comes beyond the Standard model?''

New postby Maxim Khlopov on Wed 7 Nov 2018 16:49

The twenty-first workshop
entitled "What Comes Beyond the Standard Models?" which will take
place at Bled, Slovenia, from 23rd of June 2018 (arrival day,
afternoon) to 1st of July 2018 (departure day, morning).

The participation in real will be accomplished by online videoconferencing sessions. Web conferences using VIA system are planned during the Workshop
at Bled, as was the case for the previous eight years (you can see
the videos, as well as the Proceedings, at
-- click 'enter the site' on the main page, click the link 'previous',
select 'conferences' and then select one of the Bled workshops).
We expect several contributions at distance with the use of VIA system.

Our workshop is organized for the purpose of answering the open
questions in the elementary particle physics and cosmology, like (every
participant can suggest a new topic):

o What is the most promising first step beyond the standard model,
explaining the assumptions of the standard model like:
* the origin of massless family members with their related spin and
* the origin of families,
* the origin of massless vector gauge fields,
* the origin of the Higgs's scalar and Yukawa couplings,
* the origin of differences in masses of family members.

o And going beyond, while explaining:
* the origin of dark matter,
* the origin of dark energy,
* the origin of ordinary matter-antimatter asymmetry.

o How to interpret the so far made searches for new physics on the
LHC and other new experiments and how to predict new observations?
* How many families shall we be able to observe at the LHC and at which
* How many scalar fields shall the LHC observe?
* What are masses of new families?
* What are properties of new scalar fields?

o What properties has the dark matter?
* What are masses and charges of the dark matter?
* Are there charge asymmetries in the dark matter?
* Do primordial black holes contribute to the dark matter?

o What is the origin of the two energy scales:
* the colour phase transition scale and
* the electroweak phase transition scale?

o There are several proposals in the literature, which are trying to
explain the assumptions of the standard model.
* How much have different proposals in common?

o What can strings and membranes contribute to our understanding of
elementary particle physics and cosmology?
* What do string theories really mean?

o What does the complex action bring into the understanding of the
properties of our universe?

o What can we learn from the model in which all fermions have come by
fermionization from original bosons?

o Why has Nature made a choice of four (noticeable) dimensions
while all the others (if existing) are hidden?
* How does the compactification occur?
* What are properties of space-time in the hidden dimensions?

o Where do possible Majorana properties of fermions originate?

o How can one understand the discrete symmetries in Kaluza-Klein like

o How can all gauge fields (including gravity) be unified and quantized?

o What is the origin of the field which caused inflation?

o What can new measurements of gravitational waves contribute to
cosmology (and elementary fields)?

o Can cosmological measurements observe gravitino contribution to the
dark matter?

o Quantum mechanics and singularity of black holes?

The aim of the workshop is to bring together physicists, who are
trying to find the answers to some of these and other open questions
from the field of the elementary particles and cosmology.
[i]Хлопов Максим Юрьевич
Maxim Khlopov[/i]
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Maxim Khlopov
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